Weather Stations at

Professional Weather Stations
Wireless Weather Stations
Portable Weather Stations
Wireless Rain Gauges
Lightning Strike Indicators
Weather Alert Radios
Atomic Wall Clocks
Weather Station Accessories
Weather Station Comparison Chart

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Weather Stations & Weather Instruments

By simply mounting a cabled or wireless outdoor sensor, our full line of cabled and wireless weather stations and wireless thermometers can provide a wealth of information about the weather just beyond your door. Whether you're looking for something simple or complex, these weather instruments are sure to fit the need. Home weather stations also make a fantastic gift! Have you visited us before? See all of our New Products on one page!

Featured Weather Stations

La Crosse WS-8035U IT

LaCrosse WS-9033 TDC

Wireless Weather Station
w/Barometric Pressure
& Aluminum Finish
La Crosse WS-8035U-IT
Only $89.95
[More Info]

Wireless Weather Station
w/Heat Index
& Dew Point
La Crosse WS-9033TDC
Only $79.95
[More Info]

Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Station
Includes Wind & Rain
Davis 6152
Only $536.00
[More Info]

...or browse our entire selection of basic wireless weather stations
or complete professional weather stations!

"Thank you for the excellent service I received when purchasing a weather station... I never expected to find both the best price and great service on an Internet purchase. I had no knowledge or experience with wireless weather stations so your personal response to my questions was very helpful. As a result we have been very pleased with the product. From someone who really hates to shop - you made this very easy."

— Melissa B.
Richmond, VA

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"This has been such a joy compared to many other places we've ordered from, I'm sure you will hear from us again."
— T. Maxwell
Perkins, OK

"Thank you so much for your prompt delivery of the weather station! I was so pleased by how quickly it arrived. My husband loves it. Thanks again for the great service!"
— A. Hodges
Troutville, VA

"Thanks. I just placed my weather station order. I am ordering through you because of your timely response to my inquiry. I had emailed the same question to three other companies and you were the only person to answer. Thank you for your help and very quick service. On the net, as in real life, service is everything!!!"
— Steve L.
Orinda, CA

"Thanks so much for your diligence in helping me get this replacement part for my weather station... It's good to see that outstanding service is alive and well at Weather Shack, and I really appreciate your help."
— E. Bivens
Albemarle, NC

"The weather stations arrived yesterday and are in perfect condition. Thank you very much for the really good service!"
— R. Voss
Paducah, KY

"Thanks. My husband loves the wireless weather station. I will be ordering another weather station shortly and thanks so much for such excellent customer service. It's hard to come by now a days."
— B. Kerlehag
Norwalk, CT

"...the wireless thermometer arrived and as predicted my father was thrilled. Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this order and I will be certain to share my WeatherShack experience with others."
— Ian B.
West Newton, MA

"Thanks! We found your site and saved $50 on two home weather stations! Best wishes to you all!"
— R. Dustin
Pullman, WA

...and many more!

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