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Making Things Happen


Photograph of top law enforcement leaders at FBI sponsored meetingOn October 2, top state, county, and municipal law enforcement leaders met at FBI Headquarters to discuss and make recommendations to Director Mueller on training provided by the FBI to law enforcement in the post-9/11 environment.

Who attended? Dan Rosenblatt, Executive Director of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Sheriff Kevin Beary of Florida's Orange County and President of the Major County Sheriff's Association. Police Chief Scott Finlayson, Springfield, Utah, and President of the State Association of Chiefs of Police. Chief Harold Hurtt, Phoenix, Arizona, and President of Major City Chiefs. Chief Robert Olson, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and President of the Police Executive Research Forum. Sheriff Ken Ramsey, Kane County Illinois, and 1st Vice President of the FBI National Academy Associates. Colonel Gary Adams, Chief of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and Chairman of the Southern Region of the IACP State and Provisional Police Division. Sheriff Aaron Kennard, Salt Lake County, Utah, and 1st Vice President of the National Sheriff's Association. Chief John McGowan, East Norriton Township, Pennsylvania, and President of the Law Enforcement Executive Development Association. And leadership from the Department of Justice and the FBI Training Academy and Law Enforcement Services.

FBI Assistant Director of Law Enforcement Coordination Lou Quijas (and former Chief of Police in High Point, North Carolina) is the chairman of these meetings of the Director's Law Enforcement Advisory Group. He notes that this group has grappled specifically with information sharing, security clearance, and threat assessment issues, and that its efforts have been crucial to better protecting Americans and American streets.

How crucial? They have helped expedite the process of obtaining security clearances for law enforcement officers who need access to sensitive information so they know what threats to look for in their communities. They have helped secure technology solutions to ensure instant threat and information sharing. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Director Mueller has put the crucial nature of these partnerships this way: "Terrorist threats against the nation have created a new era in the relationship between the FBI and local police. You are the first lines of defense against danger. ...No one agency can handle these complex, sophisticated threats alone. ...we in the FBI are proud to be your partners."

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