Edition 4, No. 7 December 4, 1996 Price: FREE

Editor:  Carl J. Gross

Contributor: J. D. Garrett

1. HRIBF Dedication and Symposium Epitome

On Thursday and Friday, December 12 and 13, the HRIBF will be dedicated. The formal dedication ceremony will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Wigner Auditorium (old Central Auditorium) at ORNL. The dedication will be followed by a reception and open house at the HRIBF (Bldg. 6000). As a part of the festivities, a Symposium on RIB Physics will be held on Friday at the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research (Building 6008) adjoining the HRIBF.

All HRIBF Users are invited to help us celebrate this festive occasion by attending the Dedication and the Symposium. Registration for these events can be made from the HRIBF web site accessible via the ORNL Physics Division home page (

Dedication of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Wigner Auditorium
Thursday, December 12, 1996, 1:30 p.m.

Reception and Open House
Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Following Dedication Ceremony

Symposium on Radioactive Ion Beam Physics
Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research,
Building 6008, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Friday, December 13, 1996

8:30 Chair, Lee Riedinger, University of Tennessee
Witek Nazarewicz University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physics with Radioactive Ion Beams: Theoretical Perspectives
Richard Casten Yale University Studies of Exotic Nuclei in the ISOL Era
Phil Woods University of Edinburgh Nuclei Beyond the Proton Drip Line

Coffee Break

10:50 Chair, Joe Hamilton, Vanderbilt University
Cyrus Baktash Oak Ridge National Laboratory Nuclear Structure at the HRIBF
Dieter Habs University of Munich Neutron-rich Radioactive Beams: REX-ISOLDE and Fission Fragment Accelerators

12:10 Rib Lunch

1:10 Chair, Jim Beene, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Helge Ravn CERN/ISOLDE Recent Developments of Ion Sources and Targets for Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities
Donald Clayton Clemson University Gamma Rays, Dust Particles, Clouds: Radioactivity Revealed
Friedel Thielemann University of Basel The r-process: An Interplay of Nuclear Structure Far From Stability and Astrophysical Models

Coffee Break

3:30 Chair, Art Champagne, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Michael Wiescher University of Notre Dame Nuclear Structure and Nucleosynthesis in the Mass 80 Region
Michael Smith Oak Ridge National Laboratory Nuclear Astrophysics at the HRIBF

2. Reminder to Register for Dedication and Symposium

Please remember to register before Friday, December 6, to attend the Dedication and Symposium via our WWW site ( or send the following information by e-mail or fax, to:

Position Title
Street Address
Postal Code
E-mail address (Internet)

Arrival date (at ORNL)
Departure date (from ORNL)

As a consequence of the strong magnetic and rf fields present at the HRIBF, there are some potential health hazards associated with visiting Building 6000 where the accelerators are housed. If you wear a pacemaker for your heart, please inform us prior to your visit.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, please supply this additional information.

Date of Birth
City and Country of Birth

If you are a citizen, resident, or were born in of one of the sensitive countries listed below and are not a U.S. citizen, you must also supply the following information.

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China (People's Republic), Cuba, Georgia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Moldova, Pakistan, Russia, Stateless, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Passport Number
Visa Type
Visa Expiration Date
U.S. Port of Entry
Date of Entry to U.S.
Highest University Degree and Subject
University Granting Degree

Additional copies of the newsletter and more information about HRIBF can be found on the World Wide Web at
Jerry D. Garrett, Scientific Director    |Email:
Mail Stop 6368                           |Tel:   (423) 576-5489

Carl J. Gross, Scientific Liaison        |Email:
Mail Stop 6371                           |Tel:   (423) 576-7698

Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility  |Tel:   (423) 574-4113
Oak Ridge National Laboratory            |Fax:   (423) 574-1268
Oak Ridge, TN 37831