National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] Conference information

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Nov 22 11:36:55 EST 2005

Hello everyone,

The following includes information on 2 upcoming conferences, one of
which is focused on Equipped for the Future (EFF). FYI: The Assessment
Discussion List will be holding a Guest Discussion on the development of
assessments in EFF during the month of January. More information on
this discussion will follow in December.

The New Jersey State Employment and Training Commission is proud to
announce their Seventh Annual One-Stop Conference
Traveling the Consolidation Highway
Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 & 14, 2005
Trump Plaza
Atlantic City, NJ


Equipped for the Future (EFF) and the New Jersey State Employment and
Training Commission, with support from The UPS Foundation,
Host the National Conference

New Destinations to Literacy, Learning & Life:
A National Conference on Adult Education
Wednesday & and Thursday, December 14 & 15, 2005
Trump Plaza
Atlantic City, NJ

Please take advantage of this opportunity by supporting the ongoing
partnership between workforce development and adult education.

The One-Stop Conference will officially begin on Tuesday morning on
December 13th and will continue until 1:00 pm on Wednesday, December

The National Conference will officially begin on Wednesday at 1:00 pm on

December 14th and continue until Thursday afternoon on December 15th

Those who register for Wednesday, December 14th are invited to attend
entire day's activities.

Registration must be done online at:
"Click: Current News & Events"

Conference registration prices:

December 13th = ($135.00) December 15th = ($100.00)
December 14th = ($120.00) December 14 & 15 = ($195.00)
December 13 & 14 = ($195.00) December 13, 14 & 15 = ($250.00)

Conference Sessions

New Destinations to Literacy, Learning & Life: A National Conference on
Adult Education
Workshop Sessions
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

9:00 Plenary with Dr. John Comings and Dr. Andrew Sum

v Youth
v Healthcare Collaboratives
v Gender Parity- Tools and Resources for Non-Traditional Careers
v The Aging Workforce
v Literacy Consortium Planning
v Follow up with Plenary Speakers
v NJ Transfer
v Vocational Standards and Certifications

v NJ's Workplace Literacy Program
v Online Computer Skills Assessment
v Pathways to Diplomas
v Organizational Assessment in a Performance Based Environment
v Career Planning
v NJ Next Stop Website for Career Information
v Developing Partnerships in Education

1:00 Lunch with Beto Gonzalez, US DOE invited guest

v Oklahoma- EFF from the State to the Classroom
v Successful EFF Classroom Projects
v An Introductory Look at the EFF Use Math to Solve Problems and
Communicate Curriculum Framework
v EFF in the ESL Classroom: A Demystification of the EFF Framework
v Health Literacy
v EFF for Job Seekers and Incumbent Workers

v Building Accountability Using EFF
v A New Model for Streamlined Teacher Training
v Change Your Teaching Methods for Better Results
v Professional Development
v Financial Literacy
v The Work Readiness Credential
v A Look at the EFF Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate
Curriculum Framework- continues

Evening Reception

New Destinations to Literacy, Learning & Life: A National Conference on
Adult Education
Workshop Sessions
Thursday, December 15, 2005

9:00 Plenary with EFF Panel
v Texas' Approach to Developing Benchmarks for 5 of the EFF
v EFF Quality Practices and Program Improvement
v How to Begin Implementation of EFF in Your Classroom
v Using the EFF Reader's Tool Chest in an ESL Classroom
v Putting EFF Theory into Practice in the ESL Classroom
v Adult Education Reading Instruction: Research-Based Practices
v From Competencies to Standards: EFF in an External Diploma
v Creating an ESL/Civics Curriculum Using EFF Standards

12 noon Lunch

v "Reach the Reachable Rightly" - a Focus on Adult Education in
Welfare in India
v EFF Assessment Tool
v Using the EFF Teaching/Learning Cycle for Lesson Planning
v EFF and Goal Setting in the ESL Classroom
v Preparing for Work Using EFF Standards
v An Introduction to the Read With Understanding Curriculum
v Supporting Workplace Training with EFF
v Accessing American English and Culture through American Film
v Pennsylvania's Approach to Using EFF Standards for Workforce
v Leading Through Online Communities: VA Department of Education
v Making the Connection: EFF, TABE, and the GED in a Multi-Level
v Systemic Integration of EFF through Goal Setting
v Seeing is Remembering: How Multi-Media Promotes Adult Literacy
v An Introduction to the Read With Understanding Curriculum
- continues
v EFF and Program Improvement

v EFF Closing Session
v Family Literacy
v A Smart Start to Strategy to the Adult Education Classroom

For more information, please contact:

Diane P. Gardner
EFF Center
The University of Tennessee
Center for Literacy Studies
600 Henley Street, Suite 312
Knoxville, TN 37996-4135
dgardner at


Mariann Fedele
Coordinator of Professional Development,
Literacy Assistance Center
NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

National Insitute for Literacy
Technology and Literacy mailing list
Technology at
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