Experiment Guidelines

Experiment Guidelines
The following guidelines are provided to aid you in the execution of your experiment. Useful links are provided in the figure to the right. Proposal guidelines are also available.
  1. Read about our policies concerning experiments.
  2. Upon acceptance of your proposal you will be issued a tracking number in the form of RIB-### and if desired, you may choose an experiment advocate. This person represents the spokesperson interests during internal HRIBF meetings. The idea is to ensure that experiments are perfomed in a timely manner. Ideally, this person should have nothing to do.
  3. All communications will be done with the spokesperson and/or the advocate or experiment mentor. It is expected that the spokesperson distributes any or all information to the other members of the collaboration.
  4. Review the access requirements for coming to HRIBF. It can take many weeks for some experimenters from foreign countries to get permission to come to HRIBF.
  5. A User Agreement between ORNL and the institution of all participants will need to be in place before each participant can come on site. If no user agreement exists for the institution, someone in ORNL's Technology Transfer Department will contact each person after each completes the visit request form. Many institutions require their legal authorities to review this document as this is an institution-to-institution agreement. This is essentially an agreement which states the legal rights to use any discovery or invention which results from your work at HRIBF. In addition, each participant will be asked to sign Appendix B upon arrival. This section documents your willingness to follow our rules and regulations and to work in a safe manner.
  6. Request to schedule the experiment. You should check with the equipment mentor or User Liaison for equipment availability prior to submitting.
    • Detail any modifications to the experiment.
    • List ALL participants who will come on-site. Include HRIBF personnel.
    • Your list will be confirmed as well as instructions and times required to process each participant's application to come to the lab. Note that several weeks or months may be required for foreign nationals. Future personnel changes should be sent via email.
    • All experiments must be completed within 3 years of acceptance or they must be resubmitted to the PAC.
  7. There are several commercial choices of accomodations in Oak Ridge. You may also consider the on-site dormitory which is available at no cost. Renovations to the dormitory were completed in 2006.
  8. Experiment mentor is assigned (usually the advocate or an equipment mentor). This person functions interacts between the spokesperson and HRIBF personnel particularly with ES&H issues. This person helps you and HRIBF get what is needed to do the experiment.
    • Fills out a form listing his knowledge of the hazards associated with the experiment.
    • Participates in the experiment review process.
  9. Training for the experiment is determined. In most cases, this consists of a standard block of HRIBF training. Most training can be done via the WWW. However, some can only be taken upon arrival.
  10. Experiment review is conducted. Your experiment is analyzed by the HRIBF safety officers for hazards associated with electrical, accelerator, radiation, chemical, location, equipment, gases, etc. Once all is approved, the facility director will approve the experiment for beam delivery.
    • Additional training, if any, is determined. Usually there is none or it is tied to specific participants doing specific tasks.
  11. Training is taken. No one is allowed to do "hands-on work" until all their training has been successfully completed.
  12. Experiment is set-up
    • Any user-supplied equipment must be inspected. Note that HRIBF must be informed of any experimental equipment, chemicals, etc. which you intend to ship. Arrangements should be made well in advance. All material should be shipped to the experiment advocate or mentor at our shipping address.
    • Endstation review is performed (if necessary).
    • Radiological requirements are determined. During the experiment these will be modified according to actual conditions.
    • Accelerator technical manager inspects the endstation and places radiation safety monitors prior to beam delivery. These detectors must not be moved.
  13. Experiment is completed.
  14. Experiment is dismantled. Surveys of user-supplied equipment must be done prior to release. All regulations regarding the transport of these items must be followed.
  15. Analyze data. Communicate any problems or suggestions for improvement to HRIBF.
  16. Communicate to HRIBF any publications resulting from this work. If ORNL personnel are co-authors, there is a review process which they must follow to ensure accuracy and quality of the document.

For questions about this page please contact the HRIBF User Liaison.

This file last modified Monday January 28, 2008