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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Radwin, Laurel

Institution: University of Massachusetts Boston
Grant Title: Testing the Quality Health Outcomes Model in Cancer Care
Grant Number: K08 HS011625
Duration: 5 years (2001-2006)
Total Award: $632,300

Project Description: The Quality Health Outcomes Model (QHOM) provides a framework for studying the quality of health care and delineates relations among interventions, patient characteristics, health care system characteristics, and patient outcomes.  The QHOM will be used as a framework to conduct studies that build on a range theory of quality of oncology nursing care. The research program proposed will culminate in the examination of relations among:

  • Interpersonal health care interventions delivered by nurses.
  • Oncology patient state and trait characteristics, including gender, race, and age.
  • Health care system characteristics at the hospital and unit level.
  • Adverse and desired oncology patient outcomes.

Career Goals: Dr. Radwin hopes to become an independent researcher, and will seek future funding to use the QHOM to examine the quality of care for groups of patients with different medical or surgical problems.

Progress to Date: Dr. Radwin has completed development, testing, and dissemination of the Oncology Patients' Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale (OPPQNCS).  Findings from this research resulted in one professional publication and two presentations. Dr. Radwin has initiated data collection for a study designed to examine relationships among interpersonal nursing interventions representing patient-centered cancer nursing care, desired outcomes, health care system characteristics, and patient trait and state characteristics. As of March 31, 2005, 141 patients have been enrolled in the study. The grantee formalized working relationships with researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and attended appropriate professional meetings and conferences.

Future Plans: Patient participant recruitment will continue through September 2005. Data analysis will continue using structural equations models to assess the relationship of patient characteristics, health care system characteristics, and patient-centered cancer nursing care with outcomes. Dr. Radwin will complete the development of an Evidenced-Based Practice course for a baccalaureate program for Registered Nurses. She will continue to meet regularly with her mentor and collaborators.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Professional Societies:
    • American Nurses Association.
    • Eastern Nursing Research Society.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Alster K, Radwin L. The deserved care framework for evaluating health care quality. Home Healthcare Management and Practice 2004;16:332-8.
  • Radwin L, Washko M, Suchy K, Tyman K. Development and pilot psychometric testing of four desired health outcome scales: Fortitude, Trust in Nurses, Cancer Patient Optimism, and Authentic Self-Representation. Oncology Nursing Forum 2005;32:92-6.
  • Radwin L, Fahrquar S, Knowles M, Virchick B. Cancer patients' descriptions of their nursing care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2005;50:162-9.
  • Radwin L. Arthritis symptoms, information sources, and a constantly shifting threshold of risk-benefit ratios influenced elderly patients' decisions about total joint replacement. Evidence Based Nursing 2005 Apr;8(2):63. [Comment on Clark JP, Hudak PL, Hawker GA, et al. The moving target: a qualitative study of elderly patients' decisionmaking regarding total joint replacement surgery. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2004;86-A:1366-74.]

AHRQ Research Portfolio: Quality and Patient Safety; Care Management; Training.
AHRQ Goals: Safety and Quality

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