TABLE I: Framingham Heart Study Original Cohort Sample

The original study cohort consisted of respondents of a random sample of 2/3 of adults, 30 to 62 years of age, residing in Framingham, Massachusetts in 1948. Of the original 5209, there are approximately 1095 known alive as of February 1998.

Original Cohort: Age-Sex Distribution
At Entry (1948)

As of February 1998
Age70-7980-8990-99 100 + Totals
Men 7524334 1   353
Women124500114 4   742
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TABLE 2: Framingham Offspring Study Sample

The Offspring Study was initiated in 1971 when the need for establishing a prospective epidemiologic study of young adults was recognized. A sample of 5135 men and women, consisting of the offspring of the original cohort and their spouses was established. As of February 24, 1998, there were approximately 4524 offspring surviving with only 20 lost to followup and 4 in whom survival status was unknown.

Offspring Cohort: Age-Sex Distribution
At Entry (1971)
Age < 10 10-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-70Totals
Men -- 12654478969429838   2489
Women6 11369283673924614   2646

As of February 1998
Men32   26376661937532   1   2088
Women29   34792368442230   1   2436
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