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Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Mayor's photo gallery, featuring images Mayor Martin J. Chávez promoting Albuquerque's advances in technology, tourism, and public services.

Click on the images to see additional photos.


Events May of 2008 Events of April 2008 Events of March 2008
May Events April Events March Events
Events of February 2008

The Great Race Down the Rio Grande 2008

Earth Day 2008
February Events Great Race Down the Rio Grande Earth Day 2008
2nd Annual Tree Giveaway School Supplies Collection Recognizing AFD Heroes
2nd Annual Mayor Martin J. Chávez Tree Giveaway  Mayor collects School Supplies for less fortunate Mayor Chávez Introduces New Bus Service
Honoring Fallen Officers New Downtown Bus Service War on Weeds
Mayor Chávez Honors Fallen Officers Mayor Chávez Introduces New Bus Service War on Weeds
The Mayor & Dukes New Metro Park  
The Mayor & Dukes New Metro Park  

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