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Naomi Parada

Administrative Assistant

Legal Department

(505) 768-4712

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Land Use Facilitation Program Guidelines


The Land Use Facilitation Program was established in 1994 to provide land use applicants and affected residents the opportunity to identify, discuss, and resolve issues prior to the acceptance and implementation of land use decisions. The Land Use Facilitated Meeting disposition report is utilized by the City of Albuquerque Planning Department, and its various hearing boards, in considering the concerns, questions, and issues of meeting participants within the context of City plans, policies and ordinances.


A. The Land Use Facilitated Meeting process consists of a meeting, or series of meetings wherein one or more neutral facilitators serve to focus participants on communicating their questions, interests and ideas. Facilitators are trained in productive communication methods and procedures. The Land Use Facilitated Meeting process ensures that all participants have an opportunity to be heard.

B. The City of Albuquerque offers the Land Use Facilitation Program free of charge for land use cases once an application fee has been filed and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Division determines the potential need for program participation.

C. The City may offer the Land Use Facilitated Meeting process to the applicant, and/or recognized neighborhood association(s) in the area whose papers are on file with the Office of Neighborhood Coordination, and to the others whose property interest might be directly affected by the proposal. The facilitators can invite others who may be helpful to the process. Participation in Land Use Facilitated meetings is voluntary and strongly encouraged.

D. The meeting facilitators furnished by the City shall meet the qualifications determined by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Division. Facilitators shall remain neutral regarding the issues being addressed by the participants. Facilitators may not be City employees.

E. Facilitators will convene meetings scheduled at times agreed upon by a majority of parties. A second meeting may be convened if the facilitator determines that further discussion would assist in resolving unresolved issues. Additional meetings require approval from the City of Albuquerque Planning Director and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator in the Legal Department.

F. Facilitators are responsible for generating a disposition report within 48 hours of the Facilitated Meeting. This report will include a summary of the meeting and its outcome. The outcome section shall note areas of agreement and issues that remain unresolved. A copy of the report will be provided to the process participants, the City of Albuquerque Planning Director, and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator, or their designees.

G. Planning Department staff will incorporate the meeting disposition report into the Planning Department staff report to the appropriate Planning Department hearing board. The Planning Department shall inform the hearing board of the report contents and indicate if there is any conflict between the disposition report recommendations and law or policy.


A. Responsibilities of City Staff and decision-making bodies:

1. Refer land use applications at the earliest possible juncture.

2. Provide subject matter expertise as needed.

3. Work in conjunction with the City of Albuquerque’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Office to determine the appropriateness of referral.

4. Educate parties regarding process.

5. Provide annual feedback to facilitators and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Office.

B. Responsibilities of Parties:

1. Be willing to resolve the issues and negotiate sincerely and honestly.

2. If no agreement is reached, be prepared to, at a minimum, clarify the remaining issues and present a description of their position to assist decision makers.

3. Have clearly defined authority to make decisions for their group.

4. Communicate with their constituencies during the process.

C. Responsibilities of the Facilitators:

1. Educate parties regarding the process.

2. Ascertain the status/standing of parties, especially as it impacts their ability to make binding decisions. Include all parties necessary to the comprehensive resolution.

3. Document the results of the meeting, prepare disposition report, and submit surveys to Land Use Facilitated Meeting Participants.

4. Adhere to the Standards of Practice adopted by the Association for Conflict Resolution.

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