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We wish to acknowledge

Initial development and major contribution to Reflections
on Hispanic Heritage in New Mexico were made by Juan
José Peña, the supervisory interpreter for the United States
District Court for the District of New Mexico and a former
professor of Spanish, bilingual education and Chicano
studies at New Mexico Highlands University. He also is a
free-lance interpreter/translator and writer, and has
published several works of history, fiction, poetry, and
essays. Final development and editing was done by Rosalie
Williams, a free-lance writer/editor.

This most recent edition (2003) was researched, updated,
and redesigned by Lyn Berner with help/advice from Evelyn
Saiz, Public Relations and Community Liaison, Albuquerque
Human Rights Office; Greta Pullen, senior librarian at the
National Hispanic Cultural Center of New Mexico; Margaret
Prince, a volunteer at the Hispanic center’s library and a
retired educator; Claude Stephenson, Folk Arts Coordinator,
New Mexico Arts Division, State of New Mexico,
Department of Cultural Affairs, and Larry Compton, Library
Information Specialist, Bureau of Business and Economics,
University of New Mexico Data Bank.

Copyright ©1994-2008 City of Albuquerque. All rights reserved.
Official website for the City of Albuquerque