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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Family and Community Services

child and babyThe City of Albuquerque's Department of Family and Community Services works to improve the quality, delivery, and effectiveness of health, social, recreational, nutritional, educational, housing, and other human service programs for the residents of the Albuquerque metropolitan area; to increase the available services through resource sharing and coordination; and to improve the quality of life for low to moderate-income residents.


The City of Albuquerque provides many family and community services that benefit you. Services range from parenting to recreation to education, and from children to families to seniors! In addition, they include services for our business partners.


Our goal at the City is to provide you with the best service possible, therefore we have added this website to compliment the person-to-person services we provide.


Consolidated Plan and Workforce Housing Plan - Albuquerque 2008-2012 can be found under "Related Information: Publications"


Warehouse 508


The Administrative Requirements for Contracts Awarded Under the City of Albuquerque

The Community Development, Behavioral Health, and Fiscal sections of the Department of Family and Community Services have been working on the Administrative Requirements for Contracts Awarded Under the City of Albuquerque to clarify, update and make them easier to read and understand.

In an effort to keep Albuquerque “Green,” we have put the Administrative Requirements for Contracts Awarded Under the City of Albuquerque on the Department’s website at: Administrative Requirments (2008)for you to download.


A letter detailing the changes can be read by clicking on to this link: Changes to the Administrative Requirements (2008)

All agencies under contract with the City of Albuquerque are required to read and comply with the Administrative Requirements for Contracts Awarded Under the City of Albuquerque.

We are asking that all agencies who currently have contracts go to Page 64, and sign APP #12: Certification of Receipt of Administrative Requirements and return this form to your Program Specialist by Friday, August 1, 2008.

If you have any questions, please contact your Program Specialist.












Draft Regulations for the City of Albuquerque Workforce Housing Program are currently being revised.




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