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Food Safety & Trade

Expanding food trade has brought into sharper relief the divergence among countries' food safety regulations and standards. Such differences can cause frictions and even disputes that interrupt international food trade. ERS examines how countries tackle food safety and trade issues by learning from each other's successes in managing food safety to narrow regulatory differences, collaborate to adopt common or international standards set by a third party, or reach compromises on conflicting standards.


Food Safety and International Trade: Research Briefs—Expanding food trade has brought into sharper relief the divergence among countries' food safety regulations and standards. This set of research briefs presents some of the highlights of the ERS report, "International Trade and Food Safety: Economic Theory and Case Studies."

International Trade and Food Safety: Economic Theory and Case Studies—This report examines the conceptual relationships between food safety and international trade and analyzes empirical examples from the meat and poultry, produce, food and animal feed crop, and seafood sectors.

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