Community Outreach

The following programs and resources are offered throughout the community of Tempe.

Car Seat Safety Council

Phoenix Children's Hospital has partnered with Tempe Public Library and the Escalante Community Center to bring this opportunity to you. Become a member of this committee and give back to the community. Participants will be trained on car seat safety and have the option of assisting with the Ride Safe, Car Seat classes. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Kids Ride Safe

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of injuries, and using safety seats is one of the easiest ways to keep children out of harm's way. Phoenix Children's Hospital with the support of the Car Seat Safety Council have partnered with the Tempe Public Library and Escalante Community Center to bring this educational program to you. this program teaches parents which type of car seat is safest for the age of their child, the importance of using safety seats and how to install them correctly. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Family Place Parent/Child Workshop

Registration is required and priority will be given to first time participants. Parents, Grandparents, and/or Care Givers with children ages 1 to 3 can spend quality time together playing, reading and creating crafts, while interacting with others in a safe, fun and nurturing environment. Each week different topics will be covered such as children's literacy, child development, speech, child nutrition, car seat safety, abuse prevention, behavior and discipline. Tempe Public Library staff and community experts will be available to provide information on these and other topics each week. Infant to five year olds can attend with a registered child. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Thinking Toddler

Expose your child to new experiences by squeezing, squishing and smashing different objects and textures. Developmental appropriate activities will be introduced that promote healthy and positive brain development using the A, B, and C's of learning (Attention, Bonding and Communication). These fun activities will get messy so dress appropriately. Room is limited and participation is one child to one parent/care giver. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Music, the OTHER written word

What do lyrics mean to you? Can one song change by who sings it? Are different types of music sharing similar meanings? These are a few of the topics to be discussed in this course. Various artists will be listened to and compared. Lyrics will be read and talked about. Maybe even learn something about a different type of music! Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Karaoke for Kids

Need some practice on those vocal cords? Pick your song, read and sing along. Fun props like inflatable guitars, bongos, and tambourines, are some of the things we will have available to assist you during your performance. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Hobbies, New and Old

Enjoy many different hobbies. Some might be new to you and some you may already know but you might just learn a new thing or two. Presenters will speak and introduce activities they enjoy. Baking, Quilting, Gardening are just a few of the hobbies we will be covering in this program. Who knows you might even get a chance to participate. Everyone is encouraged to share what they like to do and bring in examples. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

The Importance of Financial Planning

Charting your course, setting goals, pursuing your dreams... Sound good? This program will cover some of the basics on budgeting, saving and setting goals. Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Stories and Snacks

You'll read, you'll eat, you'll make a project... and you might even win the book! Please view the current Tempe Opportunities Brochure for class information and registration.

Tempe Public Library Resources Center

The City of Tempe offers this innovative service at two locations, Escalante and North Tempe Community Centers. Get help with homework, typing up your resume or search the web. Use computers with the latest software or "surf the net" to research topics using the same programs offered at the Tempe Public Library. Hours of operation are 11:00-8:00 M-F (11:00-3:00 Adult Time, 3:00-5:00 Youth Time and 5:00-8:00 Adult and Youth Time), Saturday 10:00-6:00 and Sundays 12:00-5:00. Times are subject to change.

Check Out a Book

Seniors, Adults and Children can visit the Tempe Public Library's Resource Room at the Escalante Community Center to check out books from the new and always changing book collection.

Homework Help

Students between the ages of 6-17 can get assistance doing homework. Come to the Tempe Public Library's Resource Room at the Escalante Center for assistance. Staff in the room will aid and direct during youth time. This is a drop in program.

It's a Start

Looking for a job? Bring in your resume to the Tempe Public Library Resource Room at the Escalante Community Center. We can help you make it more effective by using one of the computer programs, such as Resume Wizard.

Let's Read

Enjoy reading while earning stickers and prizes all at the same time. Read a book and get a sticker. Earn twenty-five stickers and get a prize out of the grab bag. You can read at home, at school, at the library, or anywhere for this program. Register at the Tempe Public Library's Resource Room at the Escalante Center and have fun reading!

Leap Pad Learning System

Students learn the best when they are fully engaged. These interactive learning tools will enable the students to learn by seeing, touching and hearing something which appeals to all the ways children learn while providing immediate and positive corrective feedback. Parents with children under the age of 6 are required to stay with children.


Many Thanks to our Partners in Community Outreach.

Friends of the Tempe Public Library


City of Tempe Social Services


Phoenix Children's Hospital


Arizona State Library


New Directions Institute for Infant Brain Development


KAET-TV Channel 8


University of Arizona Cooperative Extension


The Center for Habilitation


Arizona Early Intervention Program


Arizona Literacy and Learning Center


Tempe Community Action Agency


Southwest Human Development