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UMESC Projects - Illinois River - Brandon Reach

Aquatic Science

Principal Investigator
Project Title
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Michelle Bartsch Sediment-contaminant database for the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Steven Gutreuter Assessment of potential effects of increased commercial navigation on the fishes of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers James Rogala Bathymetric surveys and generation of geographic information system data set for selected pools of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers   The limnology and ecology of off-channel areas in the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers   Development of regional nutrient criteria for the Upper Mississippi River Basin and US Environmental Protection Agency Region 5

Ecosystems / Habitats

Principal Investigator
Project Title
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Steven Gutreuter Development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Kenneth Lubinski Ecological Status and Trends in the Upper Mississippi River System

River Inventory and Monitoring

Principal Investigator
Project Title
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers   Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

Science Applications to Resource Management

Principal Investigator
Project Title
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Steven Gutreuter Development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers   Evaluation of tools for management of non-indigenous species
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers   Habitat Needs Assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: May 20, 2008