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Fermilab Layoffs

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Layoff Question?
Many employees will have questions about their individual situations in the event they receive layoff notices. At this stage, Fermilab's Human Resources staff lacks the resources to deal with hypothetical individual cases. (Employees who do receive layoff notices will have individual meetings with human resources and benefits specialists to discuss their specific situations.)
Click here to submit a layoff question

On June 30, 2008, the President signed a supplemental funding bill that provides $62.5 million to the DOE Office of Science. At an all-hands meeting at Fermilab on July 2, Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy Jeffrey Kupfer announced that Fermilab will receive $29.5 million of the supplemental funds provided. Thanks to these funds and thanks to the voluntary separation taken by 50 employees, Fermilab can avoid the involuntary layoff of about 90 employees.

Suspension of involuntary layoffs
July 2, 2008

Update on layoffs
June 16, 2008

Information on voluntary layoffs
June 9, 2008

What will happen on the day of involuntary layoffs?
May 2, 2008

Help for laid-off Fermilab employees
Fermilab Today article, April 23, 2008

last modified 06/16/2008   email Fermilab at Work
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