Improvement in pain interfering with activity

Measure Source

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Home Health Quality Initiative.


1.127 Percent of improvement in pain interfering with activity for home health episodes, by State, 2002 and 2004.

Data Source

Calculated by the Center for Health Services and Policy, Research, University of Colorado, from Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) data.


All home health episodes that begin and end in the survey year.


Episodes in which a person's frequency of pain interfering with activity or movement improved compared to a prior assessment.


The OASIS instrument measures frequency of pain on a 4-level scale from 0 (no pain or pain does not interfere with activity) to 3 (constant). Episodes are not included for persons who are at the highest level and cannot improve any more.

Risk-adjusted rates are available for State estimates only. Particulars about risk adjustment and further information about this and other measures of the Home Health Quality Initiative are available at

Improvement in dyspnea. Improvement in toileting.