Percent of patients with treated chronic kidney failure who receive a transplant within 3 years of renal failure

Measure Source

Healthy People 2010, measure 4-6.


1.29a Persons receiving a kidney transplant within 3 years of date of renal failure, United States, 1993-1995 and 1999.

1.29b Persons receiving a kidney transplant within 3 years of date of renal failure, by State, 1993-1995 and 1999.

Data Source

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U.S. Renal Data System (USRDS).


All Medicare dialysis patients who initiated therapy in the given year and had a known State of residence in the 50 States or DC, excluding patients with prior kidney transplants and patients over the age of 69.


Subset of the denominator population receiving a transplant within 3 years of renal failure.


Note: that the Healthy People 2010 measure refers to "with 3 years of registration on a waiting list." Measuring transplants within 3 years of renal failure yields a more complete picture of access to transplantation.

Percent of hemodialysis patients with URR 65 percent or greater. Percent of dialysis patients registered on the waiting list for transplantation.