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NASAGoddard Space Flight Center+ NASA's LRO site

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LRO Mission

- Science and Technology + Laser Ranging Support + Images and Multimedia

[This section of the web site will be further developed after the LRO launch, when data is retrieved from the satellite.]

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  Science and Technology

LRO's instrument suite will provide the highest resolution data, and the most comprehensive data set ever returned from the moon. Some of the data includes

  • Supply information on Lunar radiation environment
  • Evaluating the biological impacts and allowing development of protective technologies
  • Provide the first highly accurate 3D lunar cartographic maps
  • Map mineralogy across the whole moon
  • Search for polar volatiles (especially water ice)
  • Provide an assessment of features for landing sites

  Laser Ranging Support

LRO Laser Ranging

The objective of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Laser Ranging (LR) system is to enable the spacecraft to achieve its precision orbit determination requirement. The LR will make one-way range measurements via laser pulse time-of-flight from Earth to LRO, and will determine the position of the spacecraft at a sub-meter level with respect to Earth and the center of mass of the Moon. Ranging will occur whenever LRO is visible in the line of sight from participating Earth ground tracking stations.

+ Go to the Laser Ranging Web Site

  LRO Data Features

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