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Updated 01/08/2008

Featured Fugitives

Photograph of and link to Jerry Hu Jerry Hu
RICO; Murder
Photograph of and link to Lisbio Maria Jacinto Couto, Jr Lisbio Maria Jacinto Couto, Jr
RICO; Murder
Photograph of and link to Ronald Stanley Bridgeforth

Ronald Stanley Bridgeforth
Assault on a Police Officer

Photograph of and link to Grant Lavelle Hudson, III Grant Lavelle Hudson, III
Child Molestation
Photograph of and link to Daniel Andreas San Diego Daniel Andreas San Diego
Explosives Charges
En Español
Photograph of and link to Liliana Lucero Mercado Gonzalez taken in 1999 Liliana Lucero Mercado Gonzalez
Felonious Homicide
Photograph of and link to Francisco Javier Lopez Gonzalez taken in 1999 Francisco Javier Lopez Gonzalez
Felonious Homicide
Photograph of and link to Francisco Leopoldo Vazquez Francisco Leopoldo Vazquez
Kidnapping, Conspiracy

En Español

Seeking Information

Photograph of and Link to Christina Williams Christina Williams
Murder Victim

Missing Person

Photograph of and link to Kristen Modafferi Kristen Modafferi