CODS Final Grant Reports Available at NTIS

This document lists the final reports available for grants for which CODS staff members served as project officers. Once a grant is closed and a final report has been filed, the final report is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).

Publications that result from Agency-funded projects are periodically described in AHRQ's monthly newsletter Research Activities. For information on how to apply for an AHRQ grant, select Funding Opportunities.

Information on final reports is available here in two ways. Final reports are listed alphabetically by the grantee's name. There is also a topic index to assist in finding final reports on a particular subject.

Topic Index

Chronic Conditions
Long-term Care/Elderly
Managed Care


Principal Investigator: Cubbins, Lisa L.
Title: Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Market Changes


Principal Investigator: Coate, Douglas C.
Title: Effects of Employee Enrollment in Health Maintenance Organizations on the Costs of Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans

Principal Investigator: Ellis, Randall P.
Title: Competition and Health Plan Premium Determination

Principal Investigator: Gal-Or, Esther
Title: Industrial Organization of Health Care Markets

Principal Investigator: Goldman, Dana P.
Title: Managed Care as a Public Cost Containment Mechanism

Principal Investigator: Graham, Glenn G.
Title: Demand Uncertainty, Reserve Margins, and Hospital Costs

Principal Investigator: Langa, Kenneth M.
Title: Medicaid Cost-Containment in the 1980's: Did It Encourage Interpayer Differences in Hospital Care?

Principal Investigator: Mor, Vincent
Title: Longitudinal Study of AIDS Health Services Use and Costs

Principal Investigator: Nyman, John A.
Title: Prospective Case-Adjusted Payments: Profits and Access

Principal Investigator: Silvers, John B.
Title: Variation in Inpatient Cost and Net Corporate Value by DRG

Principal Investigator: Tilford, John M.
Title: Access to Medical Care and the Demand for Medical Care

Chronic Conditions

Principal Investigator: Mor, Vincent
Title: Longitudinal Study of AIDS Health Services Use and Costs

Principal Investigator: Russell, Louise B.
Title: Risk and Risk Factor Modeling Project


Principal Investigator: Milgrom, Peter M.
Title: Determinants of Dental Malpractice


Principal Investigator: Escarce, Jose
Title: Efficiency in Hospitals: Do HMOs "Buy Right"?

Principal Investigator: Graham, Glenn G.
Title: Demand Uncertainty, Reserve Margins, and Hospital Costs

Principal Investigator: Grossman, Michael
Title: Economic Analyses of Health Care Financing Authorities

Principal Investigator: Hassan, Mahmud
Title: Effects of Tax Exemptions on the Supply of Charity Care by Non-Profit Hospitals

Principal Investigator: Langa, Kenneth M.
Title: Medicaid Cost-Containment in the 1980's: Did It Encourage Interpayer Differences in Hospital Care?

Principal Investigator: Lowe, John M.
Title: Gravity Model Analysis of Hospital Patient Flows

Principal Investigator: Manheim, Larry M.
Title: Regulation and DRG Effects on Hospital Mortality Rates

Principal Investigator: Mor, Vincent
Title: Longitudinal Study of AIDS Health Services Use and Costs

Principal Investigator: Morrisey, Michael A.
Title: Managed Care and Hospital-Physician Integration

Principal Investigator: Rask, Kimberly
Title: Do Public Hospitals Affect Private Insurance Choice? Public Insurance as Substitutes for Private Insurance: New Evidence about Public Hospitals

Principal Investigator: Silvers, John B.
Title: Economics of Hospital Capital Expenditure


Principal Investigator: Berger, Mark C.
Title: Employer Provided Health Insurance and Job Lock

Principal Investigator: Brooks, John M.
Title: Factors Affecting the Bargaining Between Pharmacies and Insurers

Principal Investigator: Coate, Douglas C.
Title: Effects of Employee Enrollment in Health Maintenance Organizations on the Costs of Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans

Principal Investigator: Cubbins, Lisa L.
Title: Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Market Changes

Principal Investigator: Damberg, Cheryl L.
Title: Health Care Reform: Distributional Consequences of an Employer Mandate for Workers in Small Firms

Principal Investigator: Dhawan, Ravinder
Title: Analysis of Health Care Reform: A Multi-Sector Approach

Principal Investigator: Ellis, Randall P.
Title: Competition and Health Plan Premium Determination

Principal Investigator: Gal-Or, Esther
Title: Industrial Organization of Health Care Markets

Principal Investigator: Hadley, Jack L.
Title: Effects of HMO Market Structure on Firm and Consumer Behavior in the Employment-Based Health Insurance Market

Principal Investigator: Klerman, Jacob A.
Title: Employment Effects of Health Care Reform

Principal Investigator: Lowe, John M.
Title: Gravity Model Analysis of Hospital Patient Flows

Principal Investigator: Rask, Kimberly
Title: Do Public Hospitals Affect Private Insurance Choice? Public Insurance as Substitutes for Private Insurance: New Evidence about Public Hospitals

Principal Investigator: Robinson, James C.
Title: Adverse Selection and Risk Rating in Insurance Markets

Principal Investigator: Seccombe, Karen
Title: Medical Insurance among the Working Poor: 1977-1987

Principal Investigator: Sloan, Frank A.
Title: Impact of Reforms on Access to Insurance and Health

Principal Investigator: Tilford, John M.
Title: Access to Medical Care and the Demand for Medical Care

Principal Investigator: Zabinski, Daniel J.
Title: Reform of the Tax Preference for Employer-Provider Health Insurance: An Econometric Analysis

Long-term Care/Elderly

Principal Investigator: Nyman, John A.
Title: Prospective Case-Adjusted Payments: Profits and Access

Principal Investigator: Russell, Louise B.
Title: Risk and Risk Factor Modeling Project

Principal Investigator: Tilford, John M.
Title: Access to Medical Care and the Demand for Medical Care

Managed Care

Principal Investigator: Coate, Douglas C.
Title: Effects of Employee Enrollment in Health Maintenance Organizations on the Costs of Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans

Principal Investigator: Dhawan, Ravinder
Title: Analysis of Health Care Reform: A Multi-Sector Approach

Principal Investigator: Escarce, Jose
Title: Efficiency in Hospitals: Do HMOs "Buy Right"?

Principal Investigator: Goldman, Dana P.
Title: Managed Care as a Public Cost Containment Mechanism

Principal Investigator: Hadley, Jack L.
Title: Effects of HMO Market Structure on Firm and Consumer Behavior in the Employment-Based Health Insurance Market

Principal Investigator: Morrisey, Michael A.
Title: Managed Care and Hospital-Physician Integration

Principal Investigator: Robinson, James C.
Title: Adverse Selection and Risk Rating in Insurance Markets

Principal Investigator: Zwanziger, Jack
Title: Effect of Selective Contracting on Physician Pricing


Principal Investigator: Berger, Mark C.
Title: Employer Provided Health Insurance and Job Lock

Principal Investigator: Brooks, John M.
Title: Factors Affecting the Bargaining Between Pharmacies and Insurers

Principal Investigator: Cubbins, Lisa L.
Title: Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Market Changes

Principal Investigator: Dhawan, Ravinder
Title: Analysis of Health Care Reform: A Multi-Sector Approach

Principal Investigator: Ellis, Randall P.
Title: Competition and Health Plan Premium Determination

Principal Investigator: Escarce, Jose
Title: Efficiency in Hospitals: Do HMOs "Buy Right"?

Principal Investigator: Gal-Or, Esther
Title: Industrial Organization of Health Care Markets

Principal Investigator: Grossman, Michael
Title: Economic Analyses of Health Care Financing Authorities

Principal Investigator: Hadley, Jack L.
Title: Effects of HMO Market Structure on Firm and Consumer Behavior in the Employment-Based Health Insurance Market

Principal Investigator: Klerman, Jacob A.
Title: Employment Effects of Health Care Reform

Principal Investigator: Manheim, Larry M.
Title: Regulation and DRG Effects on Hospital Mortality Rates

Principal Investigator: Morrisey, Michael A.
Title: Managed Care and Hospital-Physician Integration

Principal Investigator: Rask, Kimberly
Title: Do Public Hospitals Affect Private Insurance Choice? Public Insurance as Substitutes for Private Insurance: New Evidence about Public Hospitals

Principal Investigator: Robinson, James C.
Title: Adverse Selection and Risk Rating in Insurance Markets

Principal Investigator: Sloan, Frank A.
Title: Impact of Reforms on Access to Insurance and Health

Principal Investigator: Zabinski, Daniel J.
Title: Reform of the Tax Preference for Employer-Provider Health Insurance: An Econometric Analysis

Principal Investigator: Zwanziger, Jack
Title: Effect of Selective Contracting on Physician Pricing


Principal Investigator: Goldman, Dana P.
Title: Managed Care as a Public Cost Containment Mechanism

Principal Investigator: Langa, Kenneth M.
Title: Medicaid Cost-Containment in the 1980's: Did It Encourage Interpayer Differences in Hospital Care?

Principal Investigator: Lowe, John M.
Title: Gravity Model Analysis of Hospital Patient Flows

Principal Investigator: Nyman, John A.
Title: Prospective Case-Adjusted Payments: Profits and Access

Principal Investigator: Rask, Kimberly
Title: Do Public Hospitals Affect Private Insurance Choice? Public Insurance as Substitutes for Private Insurance: New Evidence about Public Hospitals

Principal Investigator: Sloan, Frank A.
Title: Impact of Reforms on Access to Insurance and Health


Principal Investigator: Manheim, Larry M.
Title: Regulation and DRG Effects on Hospital Mortality Rates

Principal Investigator: Silvers, John B.
Title: Economics of Hospital Capital Expenditure


Principal Investigator: Cubbins, Lisa L.
Title: Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Market Changes


Principal Investigator: Berger, Mark C.
Title: Employer Provided Health Insurance and Job Lock

Principal Investigator: Coate, Douglas C.
Title: Effects of Employee Enrollment in Health Maintenance Organizations on the Costs of Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans

Principal Investigator: Damberg, Cheryl L.
Title: Health Care Reform: Distributional Consequences of an Employer Mandate for Workers in Small Firms

Principal Investigator: Dhawan, Ravinder
Title: Analysis of Health Care Reform: A Multi-Sector Approach

Principal Investigator: Hadley, Jack L.
Title: Effects of HMO Market Structure on Firm and Consumer Behavior in the Employment-Based Health Insurance Market


Principal Investigator: Cubbins, Lisa L.
Title: Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Market Changes

Current as of May 2001

Internet Citation:

CODS Final Grant Reports Available at NTIS. Center for Organization and Delivery Studies. May 2001. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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