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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

WEA Insurance Trust

Text Description is below the image.
  • 2nd largest health insurer in Wisconsin (non profit, public education employees and families)
  • Conducted informational campaign directed to beneficiaries using Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs):
    • sustained increase in market share of Prilosec OTC
    • Individual out-of-pocket costs reduced $36,000
    • $455,000 in savings to the Trust


WEA Insurance Trust approached CRBBD and asked if it could include a copy of BBD 2 page report on PPIs in a mailing to beneficiaries encouraging beneficiaries to consider switching to Prilosec OTC.

WEA Insurance Trust, had placed Prilosec OTC on its formulary and also provided a favorable financial incentive to try it, by lowering the relative co-pay below other PPIs.

Two months after the initial postcard mailing in October 2005, the percent market share for Prilosec OTC increased by 3% points versus all other formulary PPIs. It moved from 13.6% to 16.4%. The second targeted mailing increased the percent market share of Prilosec OTC by an additional 2.5% points (a 5.5% point market share change in total). This share continued, dipping only slightly by the end of the measurement period in October 2006 to 18.8% or an overall market share increase of 5.2% increase.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care