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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

New York HISPC Part 2: Key Questions for Stakeholder Meetings

Text Description is below the image.
  • To what extent should consumers have the ability to direct what information is/is not included in the exchange?
    • Option 1: No filters—all in or all out.
    • Option 2: Filtering at provider level.
    • Option 3: Filtering at medical record level.
  • What characteristics should a standardized consent process have?
    • What is necessary to ensure the information is clear and the consumer exercises informed consent?
    • In what format can consent be obtained—electronic, written, oral, implied?
    • Durability and revocation
  • How should current administrative requirements be adapted to be meaningful in the new electronic environment?
  • How should RHIOs be defined?
  • What are the parameters of consumers' right to access and control electronic personal health information?

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care