United States Department of Agriculture
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Knox City Plant Materials Center Celebrates 40 Years of Conservation Excellence

Knox City Plant Materials Center

Knox City Plant Materials Center

 The Knox City, Texas, Plant Materials Center (PMC) recently celebrated its 40th year of providing plant solutions for central Texas and southwest Oklahoma. Established in 1964, the PMC was the first plant materials center in Texas. Since its establishment, the center has released 35 new plant cultivars with the technology for their production and use and discovered and mass produced superior natural plants from seeds brought back to the center from the field.

The anniversary field day drew nearly 200 ranchers and farmers; local, State, and Federal employees; Congressional staffers; conservation seed producers; livestock producers

Kent Ferguson (left) receives an award from Dr. Larry Butler, NRCS State Conservationist, Texas, during the celebration

Kent Ferguson (left) receives an award from Dr. Larry Butler, NRCS State Conservationist, Texas, during the celebration

wildlife enthusiasts; and many other individuals interested in conservation. “The anniversary field day was a great success from seeing people here interested in our conservation efforts,” said Morris Houck, facility manager at the Knox City PMC. “Our facility is one of many throughout the nation having successful programs for the evaluation, testing, and mass production of seeds from plants in nature.”

Among the highlights at the anniversary were two workshops on basic plant identification and grass seed drill calibration. PMC field tour guides identified various sections of the 137.5 acre facility for guests who traveled in wagons pulled by tractors.

map of texas

Visit the NRCS Texas Web site.

At various stops during the field tours, speakers showed guests plants grown at the facility and discussed their  conservation value. Dr. Larry Butler, NRCS Texas State Conservationist, presented certificates of appreciation to NRCS personnel and volunteers for their exemplary performance.
Your contact is Randy Henry, NRCS public affairs specialist, at randall.henry@tx.usda.gov.