Search Results

The Search Results section provides details about your search, such as the number of metadata records found, how quickly they were retrieved and options to view the metadata.


View Search Results

You can see search results in two different views: text view and icon view.

  1. Text View: Text view shows you each record with title, abstract, and its publshing organization.
  2. Content Type Icons
    Data content types are indicated by icons on the left side of the metadata records.

    Live Data and Maps
    Downloadable Data
    Offline Data
    Geographic Activity - Data Requests
    Geogpraphic Activity - Planned Acquisitions
    Geographic Activity - Unspecified
    Geographic Services
  3. Icon View: Icon view shows you all records with their icons and title, and you can quickly locate a certain record at a glance.

Access the Function Menu

Each icon has an expandable menu to list buttons to access more information.

To see the expandable menu:

  1. Move your cursor over an icon image.
  2. The expandable menu appears near the icon

Use the buttons at the extended menu of each metadata result to access more information. For example, click the View Summary button to access an overview of the results, click the Full Metadata to view all the metadata for the record, click Add to Map (if active) to view the record on the map, or click Go to website to be directed to the Web site for that record. supports viewing Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Mapping Services (WMS) and ESRI ArcIMS Image Services on a globe, using Google Earth or ESRI ArcGIS Explorer. Before services can be viewed on a globe, please install one of these viewers.
For search results that may be viewed on a globe, an option 'Add to Globe' will appear in the result context menu. From the community page, simply click the View in 3-D button to launch the 3-D viewer appropriate for the type of service.

Each metadata record may have different viewing options. For example, the Add to Map option may not appear. This happens if the metadata record is not associated with a live map service. If the record is associated with a live map service, the Add to Map option becomes active.

Search Results Show as Footprints on Map

The footprint of the spatial boundary of each record appears on a map in My Geography. The list results are linked to the map footprints to allow you to easily visualize the coverage area of each dataset. Hover over a search result in the list; the result is highlighted in yellow and its bounding box is shown hatched in the map. Hover over the map and all results in the search list that intersect that point are highlighted in yellow.

The footprint of the spatial boundary of each record appears on a map in My Geography.

To locate a record with the corresponding footprint, do one of the following:

  1. Move your cursor over one of the search result items. The corresponding footprint is highlighted on the map.
  2. Move your cursor over one of the footprints on the map. The corresponding record is highlighted on the record list

Filter Results by Content Type

In the search results page, you have the option to filter the results by data content type.


Save a Search

After you perform a search and review the search results, you may want to save your search to review at a later time. To save a search:

  1. Perform a search.
  2. From the Search Results page, click the My Searches menu bar to reveal search options.
  3. Type a title of the search in the text field next to Save a Search.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The list of Saved Searches is updated with the search you saved.

Note The next time you login to your account, your saved searches will be listed on the home page in the My Searches portlet.


Deleting Saved Searches

You may want to delete a saved search at some point or make a mistake and need to delete the search. For example, notice that in Figure 4 above, the user has saved two searches with the same name.

To delete a saved search:

  1. Click the Remove link next to each Saved Search title.
  2. The saved search is removed from the list.

    Tip You must be logged in to your account to view and delete saved searches.


Download Search Results to Spreadsheet

The search results can be downloaded and saved to a spreadsheet (as csv format) for further review, sorting, etc. You can open the spreadsheet with any applications, such as Microsoft Excel, that support csv format.
