Environmental Remediation Sciences Program

Annual ERSP PI Meeting - April 16-19, 2007, Lansdowne, VA


Objective: The purpose of this meeting is to bring together all of the lead PIs and key Co-PIs in the program to share and review the results of funded research from the past year. This meeting allows ERSD (now CESD) program managers to gauge the progress and significance of the funded research but also provides a venue for PIs to view the entire ERSP portfolio and interact with colleagues working in similar science areas.

2007 ERSP Abstracts (pdf)

Monday April 16, 2007 - 4th Floor, Rm N4-849/N4-765)
All Morning Arrival of ERSD (now CESD) PIs, Co-PIs, ERSD (now CESD) program staff and guest speakers at the Lansdowne National Conference Center.
1:00 PM Welcome/Opening Comments (ERSD (now CESD) Program Staff)
1:10 PM Programmatic Overview Outlook for the Future (ERSD (now CESD) Program Staff)
2:00 PM EM Roadmap for the Future (Mark Gilbertson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management)
2:30 PM SERDP-ESTCP: Addressing DoD Environmental Issues through R&D (Bradley Smith, SERDP Executive Director)
3:00 PM Break
3:30 PM Office of Legacy Management Land and Site Management (Rich Bush, LM Site Manager)
4:00 PM White Memorial Lecture (Tommy Phelps, ORNL)
5:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Poster Session (Group A) - 2nd Floor, Rm N2-150
8:30 PM Adjourn
Tuesday April 17, 2007 - 4th Floor, Rm N4-849/N4-765)
6:30 AM -
8:00 AM
Coffee and Breakfast
Microbial Physiology and Env. Genomics of Radionuclide Reduction
8:30 AM Genome-Based Molecular Analysis and and In Silico Modeling of In Situ Uranium Bioremediation (D. Lovley, Univ. Massachusetts)
9:00 AM Molecular Mechanism of Microbial Uranium and Technetium Reduction (T. DiChristina, Georgia Tech)
9:30 AM Responses of Desulfovibrio vulgaris to Physiological Constraints Relevant to Bioremediation in the Field (M. Fields, Montana State Univ.)
10:00 AM Break
Contaminant Metal Biotransformation (Hg and U)
10:30 AM Integrating the Molecular Machines of Mercury Detoxification into Host Cell Biology (A. Summers, Univ. Georgia)
11:00 AM Microbial Pathways for the Mobilization of Mercury as Hg(0) in Anoxic Subsurface Environments (H. Wiatrowski, Rutgers Univ.)
11:30 AM Geochemical, Genetic, and Community Controls on Mercury Methylation (A. Palumbo, ORNL)
12:00 Lunch
1:30 PM Free Time

Integrated Field-Scale Research Challenge: Old Rifle UMTRA Site
Project Title: Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Uranium Mobility: An Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site at Rifle, Colorado

3:00 PM Overview of the Rifle IFC, previous experiments, hypotheses, planned research, and available site data. (Phil Long, PNNL)
3:20 PM DOE-LM Perspective on science needs and the Rifle IFC. (Rich Bush, UMTRA program manager)
3:25 PM Biogeochemistry and reactive transport modeling of in situ biostimulation experiments at the Rifle site. (S. Yabusaki, PNNL)
3:45 PM Rifle IFC geochemistry and abiotic U(VI) reactions under iron-reducing conditions. (J. Davis, USGS)
4:10 PM Protein measurements for assessment of subsurface microbial activity under biostimulated conditions. (J. Banfield, UC-Berkeley)
4:35 PM Hydrogeophysics and electrical methods for monitoring TEAPs at the Rifle IFC. (K. Williams, LBNL)
5:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Poster Session (Group B) - 2nd Floor, Rm N2-150
8:30 PM Adjourn
Wednesday April 18, 2007 - (4th Floor, Rm N4-849/N4-765)
6:30 AM -
8:00 AM
Coffee and Breakfast
Radionuclide Fate and Transport in the Subsurface
8:30 AM Precipitation of U(VI) in low-temperature Si-Na-H2O±CO2±feldspar systems (K. Nagy, Univ. Illinois/Chicago)
9:00 AM Microscopic Mass Transfer Kinetics of Uranium in Contaminated Sediments (C. Liu, PNNL)
9:30 AM Uranium Immobilization via Phosphate Injection into the Subsurface at the Hanford 300 Area (D. Wellman, PNNL)
10:00 AM Break
Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling and Simulation
10:30 AM Scale Dependence of Biogeochemical Reaction Rates: Experimental and Modeling Approaches (C. Steefel, LBNL)
11:00 AM The effect of U(VI) bioreduction rate on subsequent reoxidation of UO2 (B. Burgos, Penn State Univ.)
11:30 AM Coupling Between Flow and Precipitation in Heterogeneous Subsurface Environments and Effects on Contaminant Fate and Transport (G. Redden, INL)
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Free Time

Integrated Field-Scale Research Challenge: Hanford 300 Area
Project Title: Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFC Focused on Hanford’s 300 Area Uranium Plume

3:00 PM Science concept, site attributes, and opportunities for collaborative research (John Zachara, PNNL)
3:20 PM Relationship of project to other Hanford remediation activities (M. Thompson, DOE)
3:30 PM Multi-scale mass transfer as the key science issue (C. Liu, PNNL)
3:45 PM Infiltration and injection sites and example experiments (M. Rockhold, PNNL)
4:05 PM Characterization of field experiment sites (A. Ward, PNNL)
4:15 PM The IFC subsurface as a microbial habitat (J. Fredrickson)
4:30 PM Modeling approaches and issues (P. Lichtner, LANL)
4:45 PM Site and data management (M. Freshley, PNNL)
5:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Poster Session (Group C) - 2nd Floor, Rm N2-150
8:30 PM Adjourn
Thursday April 19, 2007 - (4th Floor, Rm N4-849/N4-765)
6:30 AM -
8:00 AM
Coffee and Breakfast
Radionuclide Biogeochemistry (U and Tc)
8:30 AM Technetium and Iron Biogeochemistry in Suboxic Subsurface Environments with Emphasis on the Hanford Site (J. Zachara, PNNL)
9:00 AM Biogeochemical Process Heterogeneity Impacting Contaminant Dynamics in Subsurface Environments (S. Fendorf, Stanford Univ.)
9:30 AM Microcantilever Sensors for In Situ Subsurface Characterization (T. Thundat, ORNL)
10:00 AM Break
Mechanisms of Uranium Immobilization/Remobilization
10:30 AM Investigations of coupled biogeochemical processes affecting the transformation of U: Integration of synchrotron-based approaches (E. O’Loughlin/K. Kemner, ANL)
11:00 AM Long-term stability of biogeochemically reduced U and Cr in contaminated sediments (T. Tokunaga, LBNL)
12:00 PM Lunch

Integrated Field-Scale Research Challenge: Oak Ridge Site
Project Title: Multiscale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface

1:00 PM Project overview – Site Description, Objectives, Goals and Tasks (Phil Jardine, ORNL)
1:15 PM Natural Attenuation Processes (Task B) – Objectives, Linkages to Modeling, Expected Accomplishments (D. Watson, ORNL)
1:35 PM Targeted Manipulations (Task C) – Objectives, Approach, Linkage to Modeling efforts, Expected Accomplishments (C. Criddle, Stanford Univ.)
1:55 PM Geophysics – Objectives, Methods Development, Integration with Tasks A-C. – (S. Hubbard, LBNL)
2:15 PM icrobiological Processes (Task B & C) – Objectives, Approach, Linkages among Tasks B,C & D – (J. Kostka, Florida State Univ.)
2:35 PM PM Modeling Subsurface Processes at the ORFRC (Task D)– Objectives, Linkages with other Tasks (J. Parker, ORNL)
2:50 PM Tangible Products – Outcomes, Deliverables and Opportunities (P. Jardine, ORNL)
3:00 PM Closing Comments (ERSD (now CESD) Staff)
3:30 PM Meeting adjourn
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DOE Office of Science Environmental Remediation Sciences Program