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King County Prosecuting Attorney

History and Mission of the School Violence Program

In 2000, then Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng launched a novel program directed at the problem of school violence. The idea: have a single deputy prosecuting attorney dedicated to schools and school violence issues within our community. With nineteen independent school districts spread across King County, the Prosecutor’s School Violence Program (SVP) provides a unique opportunity to approach school violence on a regional basis, to have a consistent policy and approach to such cases, and to bring the county’s school districts and law enforcement agencies into a collaborative effort that addresses school safety.

The deputy who coordinates the SVP has a two-fold mission: (a) to personally oversee the prosecution of these offenses; and (b) to promote cooperation, communication, and education among those who are working to maintain safe learning environments in our community. In furtherance of this mission, the SVP Coordinator is responsible for:

  • reviewing new referrals submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office that fall within the scope of the school violence program
  • making filing decisions
  • negotiating and prosecuting cases that have been filed
  • filling a liaison role between the schools, school resource officers and the courts
  • coordinating with parent groups concerned about school safety
  • educating law enforcement, security personnel, and school administrators on current school law, constitutional principles, and case developments
  • keeping abreast of developments and changes within school law, and working with others to advocate for laws or policies that will further the safe school environment
  • speaking in local schools about juvenile law and justice issues
  • publishing a newsletter with school safety information for school safety practitioners
  • providing a help line through telephone and email for school resource officers and school security officers
  • promoting effective communication, cooperation, and networking among school safety practitioners by sponsoring and promoting meetings, trainings, and conferences.

In addition to these responsibilities and in furtherance of these goals, the SVP Coordinator also provides legal training at workshops sponsored by national organizations—like the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) and D.A.R.E.—as well as state training sponsored by agencies like the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center. The SVP Coordinator also sits on Washington State’s School Safety Advisory Committee.

Please feel free to contact our program with questions or comments through the coordinating Deputy Prosecutor information listed below.

Thank you.

Daniel T. Satterberg
King County Prosecuting Attorney

Please feel free to contact the School Violence Program with questions or comments through the coordinating Deputy Prosecutor information listed below:

Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
School Violence Program Coordinator
1211 E. Alder Street
Seattle, Washington 98122
FAX: 206-296-8869

January 18, 2008

Contact Us:

Phone:  206-296-9000
FAX:  206-296-9013
TDD:  206-296-0100

King County Prosecuting Attorney
W554 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA  98104

E-Mail:  Prosecuting Attorney

Usual Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

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