Environmental Remediation Sciences Program

Performance Measures and Milestones: FY2008

GPRA Goal/Annual Target SC GG 3.1/2.48.1
Identify the critical redox reactions and metabolic pathways involved in the transformation/ sequestration of at least one key DOE contaminant in a field environment.
1st Quarter Measures Provide a report documenting the approach to identify critical redox reactions in the subsurface during stimulated uranium biotransformation
1st Quarter Results Click here for PDF

Program Contact: Phil Long

2nd Quarter Measures Provide a report that documents the approach to identify key microbial metabolic processes in the subsurface during stimulated uranium biotransformation
2nd Quarter Results Click here for PDF

Program Contact: Phil Long

3rd Quarter Measures Provide a report that evaluates collected field results on critical redox processes affecting uranium transport with computer simulations of uranium biotransformation
3rd Quarter Results

Click here for PDF

Program Contact: Phil Long

4th Quarter Measures Provide a report that evaluates collected field results on microbial metabolic processes with the detected changes in redox reactions in situ during uranium biotransformation
4th Quarter Results

Click here for PDF

Program Contact: Phil Long

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DOE Office of Science Environmental Remediation Sciences Program