Environmental Remediation Sciences Program

Performance Measures and Milestones: FY2006

GPRA Goal/Annual Target (SC GG 5.21.1)
Develop predictive model for contaminant transport that incorporates complex biology, hydrology, and chemistry of the subsurface. Validate model through field
1st Quarter Measures (Istok, due 12/31/05) Report results of updated small-scale model using recent advances in understanding of coupled thermodynamic and biologic factors to predict changes in Oak Ridge Field Research Center microbial community composition in response to exogenous alterations in subsurface chemistry.
1st Quarter Results Click here for results
2nd Quarter Measures (Parker, due 3/31/05) Run updated large-scale 3-D flow and chemical transport model for the Oak Ridge Field Research Center site based on new information on biogeochemistry, groundwater and subsurface media.
2nd Quarter Results Click here for results
3rd Quarter Measures (Istok, due 6/30/05) Compare model results from Q1 to corresponding Oak Ridge Field Research Center field data and report results.
3rd Quarter Results Click here for results
4th Quarter Measures (Parker, due 9/30/05) Compare model results from Q2 to corresponding Oak Ridge Field Research Center field data and report results.
4th Quarter Results Click here for results
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DOE Office of Science Environmental Remediation Sciences Program