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Biotechnology Regulatory Services Library


BRS Publications
BRS educational and outreach materials, such as brochures and fact sheets on agency biotechnology regulatory authority, policy, procedures, and more.

Environmental Documents for Permits and Petitions
APHIS collects in one place all environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) statements, determinations, and other NEPA-related documents related to 1) authorizations of environmental releases of GE organisms and 2) petitions for determination of nonregulated status.

Federal Register Notices
APHIS BRS lists categories of biotechnology-related Federal Register notices published by BRS, including statements of policy and rule revision, requests for public comment, availability of NEPA documents (EAs and EISs), and publication of determinations in response to petitions.

Federal Regulations
APHIS displays the full text of APHIS BRS’ regulations (7CFR340) governing the introduction of genetically engineered organisms into the United States, plus links to other related Federal regulations.

Guidance Documents
APHIS provides a variety of resources to assist applicants, including guidance about how to apply for a notification or permit, how to conduct introductions under notification or permit, and how to petition APHIS for nonregulated status.
News and Information Archives
APHIS news and information older than 90 days.

Past Meetings and Proceedings
View information and all associated documents with past meetings.

Press Releases
APHIS issues press releases from the news room about APHIS’ regulation of biotechnology.

Related Websites
This list brings together biotechnology-related websites of other Federal and State agencies, scientific organizations, standard setting bodies, etc.

Stakeholder Newsletters
View all stakeholder newsletters issued by BRS.  

Supporting Documents
This page contains reports and proceedings of APHIS workshops, Memoranda of Understanding, APHIS application forms, and other miscellaneous support documents.  


Last Modified: July 3, 2008

An ISO certified program
ISO 9001:2000
FM 535173