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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Alert Fatigue.......

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Two graphs from Physician Software Vendor

Variation in dose checks for 6 physician software vendors: Overall: 25% never: 50% sometimes; 25% most/always. Responses varied by vendor, from 8% never from Vendor B to 38% never for Vendor E, 40% sometimes for Vendor E, 75% sometimes for Vendor C, 22% most/always for Vendor E, and 35% most/always for Vendor A.

Results are approximate values.

Variation in drug-drug interactions for 6 physician software vendors: Overall: 8% never: 52% sometimes; 40% most/always. Responses varied by vendor, from 5% never from Vendor A to 18% never for Vendor F, 32% sometimes for Vendor F, 75% sometimes for Vendor C, 28% most/always for Vendor C, and 50% most/always for Vendor A.

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