Fermilab Today Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday, July 23
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: J. Valles, Brown University
Title: Cooper Pairs in Insulators?!

Thursday, July 24
3:30 p.m.


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Wilson Hall Cafe

Wednesday, July 23
- Cajun style lentil soup
- Cajun chicken ranch
- Tilapia w/jalapeno lime sauce
- Parmesan baked pork chops
- Smoked turkey panini w/pesto mayo
- Assorted slice pizza
- Chicken Alfredo fettuccine

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 23
- Tinga tostada
- Rice & beans
- Napolitano flan

Thursday, July 24
- Pasta w/roasted summer vegetables
- Grilled swordfish
- Sauteed green beans
- Peach melba

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


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Fermilab registers under international safety standard

DOE Office of Science Fermi Site Manager Joanna Livengood, NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) International Strategic Registrations Regional Sales Manager William Rutledge and Fermilab Director Pier Oddone hold a banner that proclaims Fermilab's commitment to health and safety standards. Fermilab achieved registration for an international health and safety standard last month.

Fermilab has joined a select group of U.S. institutions meeting an upcoming international safety standard.

On July 18, Fermilab received a certificate of registration for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 - Safety and Health Management Systems.

Fermilab applied for registration this year, and is one of only a few organizations or DOE laboratories to earn the certificate. Auditors spent a week at Fermilab in mid-April reviewing the laboratory's safety and health systems before they made their positive recommendation. ES&H's Rafael Coll helped to organize the effort.

"I want to thank the heads of the divisions and sections and the safety department and the employees who pitched in. It couldn't be done without everyone joining in to achieve this process," said William Rutledge, regional sales manager for NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) International Strategic Registrations, a registrar for OHSAS 18001. "It gives me great pleasure to issue this certificate for standards in occupational health and safety."

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone wears the OHSAS 18001 banner proudly.

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone highlighted Fermilab's safety record and called the registration a tremendous achievement.

"This is really an honor for us, something that many people have worked really hard on," Oddone said. "We've established a culture of safety, something we are able to build on over time."

DOE Office of Science Fermi Site Manager Joanna Livengood thanked Rutledge and Oddone for their recognition of her team's contribution.

"I want to offer my sincere appreciation for your recognition of the site office as a partner who helps to make the laboratory safe every day," she said.

This is Fermilab's second international recognition of management practices in a year. Last fall, Fermilab celebrated the international recognition of the laboratory's environmental management practices when the laboratory achieved the ISO 14001 registration.

Registering under Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 - Safety and Health Management Systems meets a major commitment made by the Fermi Research Alliance, which manages Fermilab, in its contract with DOE.

-- Rhianna Wisniewski


Machine Shop supervisor Charles Matthews retires

Charles Matthews

Charles Matthews' influence appears in the speed of circling protons, the glisten of modern art and the diversity of Fermilab's workforce.

He retired last month after 38 years at the laboratory, including 20 as machine shop supervisor.

Fermilab's first director, Robert Wilson, discovered Matthews' creative streak when he enlisted his help to cut and finish metal for the 32-foot tall Obelisk sculpture in the reflecting pond and a table sculpture in the second-floor crossover, as well as Matthews's repairs on the Mobius strip sculpture.

Matthews's craftsmanship also shines in components of the accelerator rings.

"He was really instrumental in the construction of the cryostats for the Tevatron, so he's one of those unsung heroes of the Tevatron that own a piece of the top quark discovery," said Paul Mantsch, former Technical Division head.

"Every day was something interesting and there was always closeness with the engineers and designers," Matthews said.

He quickly moved up the ranks, bringing that team attitude with him. He and his shop managers routinely thanked staff members and solicited their opinions for improving safety.

Under his guidance, the shop modernized and specialized in difficult jobs. He also changed the face of the shop by recruiting women, members of ethnic minorities and young people and, along with Mantsch, reviving the Fermilab apprenticeship program "That was rewarding," he said.

To promote careers in metal working, he gave talks at area high schools and judged a machinery competition among the Fox Valley schools.

Matthews also made a name for himself with a stellar safety record in a dangerous environment.

"He used every opportunity available to him to lobby upper management for better facilities and better equipment to make the shop as safe as possible for his workers," said Bill Griffing, head of ES&H.

-- Tona Kunz

From the Computing Division

Fermilab leads the way in CMS data-taking preparations

Patricia McBride, Computing Division deputy head, wrote this week's column

Patricia McBride

With the startup of the LHC just around the corner, computer centers around the world are preparing to receive the first data.

Fermilab, a Tier-1 center for the CMS experiment, and seven Tier-2 centers will use the Open Science Grid for data processing and analysis. Fermilab staff have taken a leadership role in developing the computing infrastructure and software for the experiment. The data operations and Tier-1 teams at Fermilab have been very busy preparing the computing infrastructure and software for data processing. Fermilab also has a large software development team working on the computing framework, simulation code, reconstruction, databases, data management and workload management software for CMS as part of the US-CMS Software and Computing project.

During the first half of 2008, CMS set up a series of computing challenges to make sure that the software was tested and computing centers were ready to process and deliver the first data to physicists around the world. In May, a complex series of challenges focused on prompt calibration and alignment and on the reconstruction and analysis of early data. Large samples of simulated data were prepared quickly during a few weeks using all CMS computer centers. These data were shipped to CERN for processing. Reprocessing was done at the Tier-1 centers. At the Tier-2 centers, physics analysis using the grid was tested under heavy load for the first time. These tests were very successful and demonstrated that the services scale and function well. The challenges also identified areas that need improvement.

Preparing CMS computing and software for data-taking has been a large undertaking. The experienced teams in the Computing Division and the CMS Center have made major contributions to ensure the experiment's success. They will continue in what will surely be an interesting and challenging startup.

The architecture outlined years ago has become a reality. The experimenters anxiously await the first data, which will arrive very soon. In the meantime, we continue to test the systems using data from the cosmic rays that pass through the detector.

In the News

Researchers pursue grasses as Earth-friendly biofuel

From PhysOrg.com, July 21, 2008

At a small site on the Batavia campus of Fermilab, ecologist Julie Jastrow of Argonne National Laboratory pushes the scientific frontier in a new and exciting way: She watches the grass grow.

As part of an effort to develop a new collection of alternative fuels, Jastrow and her colleagues from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have planted seven different combinations of native Midwestern prairie grasses on the 13-acre site at Fermilab's campus.

The experimental facility that Jastrow planted in June will examine the sustainability of different perennial bioenergy crops - plants that could be turned into energy either by being burned directly or by being converted into cellulosic ethanol.

While crops with high starch or sugar contents -- most notably corn grain and sugarcane -- are the focus of current bioenergy applications, botanists have also seen potential in perennial grasses. "Right now, if you looked at the list of perennial bioenergy crops being studied, switchgrass will be at the top of the list," Jastrow said.

According to Jastrow, DOE began to consider perennial forage crops as possible sources of alternative fuels during the oil crisis of the late 1970s and early 1980s. As Americans lost access to imported oil due to political instability in the Persian Gulf states, scientists saw an opportunity in the open grazing land of the Great Plains and the prairie remnants of the Midwest, where switchgrass and other native perennial grasses grow in dense stands from four to eight feet high.

Read more

Safety Update

ES&H weekly report, July 22

This week's safety report, compiled by the Fermilab ES&H section, lists no reportable injuries. There were four minor injuries during the past week but none of them required medical treatment beyond first aid. We have now worked 86 days without a recordable injury. We have worked 210 days since our last DART case. Congratulations to all for this ES&H achievement! Find the full report here.

Safety report archive


Have a safe day!

Free osteoporosis screening Aug. 8
Wellness Works and Delnor-Community Hospital will host an osteoporosis screening between 7:30 and 11 a.m. on Aug. 8 in the Emergency Operating Center on the ground floor of Wilson Hall. Only Fermilab employees who have not participated in a previous screening are eligible. The free heel scan is an ultrasound test that measures the bone density in the heel. Participants will need to remove their sock and the shoe from one foot. (Ladies please do NOT wear panty hose.) Participants with heel/ankle fractures or surgery to both feet are excluded from this screening. Sign up instructions are on the ES&H homepage.

Tango lessons
Beginning tonight, the International Folk Dancing group and NALWO will start a new group and offer Argentine tango lessons by experienced tango dancers from Chicago. The lessons will take place in Ramsey Auditorium on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for beginners and 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. for intermediate/advanced level. To sign up, call Pamela Noyes at (630) 840-5779 or e-mail her.

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Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.