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NETL Solicitation 2005 Archive

Fiscal Year 2005 Solicitations






06/10/05 DE-PS26-05NT42115
Energy Efficient Building Technologies
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 06/22/05)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 06/24/05)
7/28/05 S. Miltenberger
05/25/05 DE-PS26-05NT42472
Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 06/13/05)
7/7/05 B. Robbins
04/28/05 DE-PS26-05NT42464
Oxycombustion and Other CO2 Capture Technologies Available for Application to the Existing Coal Fired Power Generation Fleet
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 05/24/05)
06/30/05 D. Duncan
04/13/05 DE-PS26-05NT42346
Fuel Cell Coal-Based Systems
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 05/19/05)
06/07/05 M. Price
04/07/05 DE-PS26-05NT42470
High Temperature Electrochemistry Center (HiTEC) Advanced Research Program Funding Opportunity
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 04/13/05)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 05/11/05)
05/19/05 B. Robbins
04/01/05 DE-PS26-05NT15540 Russian Technology Program Funding Opportunity 05/26/05 D. Jaskolka
03/24/05 DE-PS26-05NT42411
Advanced Technologies and Concepts to Minimize Freshwater Use in Coal-Based Thermoelectric Power Plants.
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 04/05/05)
06/10/05 J. Zysk
03/17/05 DE-RP26-05NT42398
Site Security Services for the NETL & Albany Research Center
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 03/23/05)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 04/15/05)
04/20/05 K.Bloniarz
03/11/05 DE-PS26-05NT42296
Round 2 of Office of FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program Wide Funding Opportunity Announcement
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 03/23/05)
05/02/05 J. Collins
02/18/05 DE-PS26-05NT42396

State Energy Program (SEP) Special Projects

AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 03/17/05)AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 03/04/05)
01/25/05 DE-PS26-05NT42395
Drilling, Completion, and Stimulation Funding Opportunity
AMENDMENT 01 (Posted 02/08/05)
03/31/05 J.Heynes
01/25/05 DE-PS26-05NT42405
Methane Hydrate
AMENDMENT M001 (Posted 02/4/05)
04/18/05 D.Reese
01/25/05 DE-PS26-04NT42072-0
Round 2 of the Advanced Diagnostics and Imaging Announcement entitled "Understanding, Characterizing, and Imaging Tight Gas Resources"
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 02/15/05)
03/31/05 D.Reese
01/14/05 DE-PS26-05NT42381
FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program Solicitation for University Research and Graduate Automotive Technology Education (GATE) Centers of Excellence
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 02/16/05)
03/10/05 A.Gyorke
12/14/04 DE-PS26-05NT42255 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships - Phase II 03/15/05 K.Miles
11/30/04 DE-PS26-05NT15600
Oil and Gas Program Solicitation 2005
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 12/20/04)
03/01/05 M.Byrnes
11/17/04 DE-RP26-04NT42256 Energy Star, Equipment Standards and Analysis, and Building Technologies Support Services 01/04/05 A.Bosley
11/10/04 DE-PS26-05NT42350
Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) Core Technology Program
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 11/17/04)
11/05/04 DE-PS26-05NT42317 Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions 01/10/05 M.DeStefano
10/19/04 DE-PS26-05NT42244
Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 11/15/04)
11/30/04 B.Robbins
08/02/04 DE-PS26-04NT15480-0 Microhole Technology Development II 10/06/04 D.Jaskolka
07/26/04 DE-PS26-04NT42249
Development of Technologies and Capabilities for Coal Energy Resources
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 08/03/04)
10/05/04 D.Duncan
07/23/04 DE-RP26-04NT42110 Characterization of Coal Utilization By-Products from Mercury Control Field Testing 08/24/04 D.Hafer
05/24/04 DE-PS26-04NT42099
Energy Efficient Renewable Energy (EERE) High Efficiency Clean Combustion & Waste Heat Recovery for Internal Combustion Engines
AMENDMENT 003 (Posted 07/12/04)AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 07/07/04)AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 06/01/04)
08/09/04 MB Pearse
05/20/04 DE-PS26-04NT42118
Solid State Lighting Product Development
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 06/16/04)
AWARDED K.Carrington
05/05/04 DE-PS26-04NT42114
Energy Efficient Building Technologies
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 05/26/04)
04/28/04 DE-PS26-04NT15490-0 Synopsis Only - Field Technology Implementation with Independents CANCELED MB Pearse
03/03/04 DE-PS26-04NT42064

Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy (EERE) - Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) Mining Industry of the Future Grand Challenge Technology Concepts for the Mining Industry 06/03/04

02/23/04 DE-PS26-04NT42072
Advanced Diagnostics and Imaging
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 04/02/04)
03/31/05 D.Reese
02/09/04 DE-RP26-03NT41819 Support Administrative Services (SAS) AWARDED K.Bloniarz
02/05/03 DE-PS26-03NT41718
Large Scale Mercury Control Technology Field Testing Program
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 11/05/03)
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 02/26/03)

Archives: FY2007 | FY2006 | FY2005 | FY2004 | FY2003 | FY 2002-2000

June 10, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42115 entitled "Energy Efficient Building Technologies." Contract Specialist: Susan Miltenberger. Application Due Date is July 28, 2005. Comments and questions
are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature
in IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42115-01 Area of Interest 1 - Windows R&D to Achieve the Next Generation of Performance
DE-PS26-05NT42115-02 Area of Interest 2 -  Research Tool Dissemination to Increase Energy Efficient Fenestration Product Penetration
DE-PS26-05NT42115-03 Area of Interest 3 - Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing
DE-PS26-05NT42115-04 Area of Interest 4 - EnergyPlus Advancement
Amendment 001 (Posted June 22,2005) The purpose of this amendment is to change the CFDA number to 81.086
Amendment 002 (Posted June 24, 2005) The purpose of this amendment is to modify Section III.D. and Section VIII.H. Specifically, under Area of Interest 4 ONLY, up to 70% of the effort may be subcontracted to other entities, subject to constraints in Section VIII. This change only affects Area of Interest 4 - EnergyPlus Advancement.
May 25, 2005 -Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42472 entitled "Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities." Contract Specialist: Brittley Robbins. Application Due Date is July 7, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42472-01 Area of Interest 1 - Partitioning and Mechanism Studies for Mercury and Other Trace Metals within Coal-Fired Processes
DE-PS26-05NT42472-02 Area of Interest 2 - Water Usage in Future Power Generation Systems
DE-PS26-05NT42472-03 Area of Interest 3 - Gas Separations
DE-PS26-05NT42472-04 Area of Interest 4 - Computer-Aided Design of High-Temperature Materials
DE-PS26-05NT42472-05 Area of Interest 5 - Surface Modification of Alloys for Ultrasupercritical Coal-Fired Boilers
DE-PS26-05NT42472-06 Area of Interest 6 - Hydrogen Storage Materials
DE-PS26-05NT42472-07 Area of Interest 7 - Advancements in Assessment of Geological Reservoirs for CO2 Sequestration
DE-PS26-05NT42472-08 Area of Interest 8 - Syngas and Hydrogen Combustion Reduced Order Reactions and Rate Constants
DE-PS26-05NT42472-09 Area of Interest 9 - Characterization of Atomic and Electronic Structure of  Electrochemically Active SOFC Cathode Surfaces
DE-PS26-05NT42472-10 Area of Interest 10 - Gasification Transport Properties
DE-PS26-05NT42472-11 Area of Interest 11 - Coarse Grid Modeling
DE-PS26-05NT42472-12 Area of Interest 12 - Measurement and Analysis to Quantify the Contribution of Coal-Fired Utility Boiler Emissions to Ambient PM2.5
DE-PS26-05NT42472-13 Area of Interest 13 - Advanced Nitrogen Oxides
DE-PS26-05NT42472-14 Area of Interest 14 - Computational Chemistry in Support of Hydrogen from Coal
DE-PS26-05NT42472-15 Area of Interest 15 - SOFC Sealing Materials and Systems
DE-PS26-05NT42472-16 Area of Interest 16 - Separation and Handling of Nano-Sized Particles
DE-PS26-05NT42472-17 Area of Interest 17 - Development of Robust Sensor Networks for Intelligent Control of Advanced Coal Combustion Systems
DE-PS26-05NT42472-18 Area of Interest 18 - Innovative Concepts Phase II Program
Amendment 001 (Posted 6/13/2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to add the requirement for a Biographical Sketch file.
April 28, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42464 entitled "Oxycombustion and Other CO2 Capture Technologies Available for Application to the Existing Coal Fired Power GenerationFleet." Contract Specialist: Debra Duncan. Application Due Date is June 30, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS
Amendment 001 (Posted May 24, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to make changes to the mandatory files that must be submitted for a complete application.
April 13, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Number DE-PS26-05NT42346 entitled “Fuel Cell Coal-Based Systems.” Contract Specialist: Mary Price. Comments and questions are welcomed and should be transmitted via the Submit Question feature of IIPS. Application due date is June 7, 2005.
Amendment 001 (Posted May 19, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise Part IV - Application and Submission Information, Article C - Content and Form of Application-IIPS to include Project Summary/Abstract to the Mandatory Files list for applicant submission:
Project Summary/Abstract PROJECT SUMMARY.doc
April 7, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42470-00 entitled "High Temperature Electrochemistry Center (HiTEC) Advanced Research Program." Contract Specialist: Brittley Robbins. Application Due Date is May 19, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted throught the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42470-1A Energy Storage Utilizing High Temperature Electrochemical Processes
DE-PS26-05NT42470-1B Revolutionary High Temperature Electrochemical Power Technology
DE-PS26-05NT42470-1C Thermoelectric-SOFC Hybrid Energy Conversion
DE-PS26-05NT42470-2A Effect of Coal Contaminants on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Performance and Service Life
Amendment 001 [Posted April 13, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to 1) Revise the language in Part II, Award Information, Paragraph H, 2) Change parenthetical reference from "Paragraph F" to "Paragraph I" under Part VIII,
Paragraph E, Patent Rights, and 3) Under Part VIII, insert the following clause "I. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO REQUEST PATENT WAIVER (NOV 2004)."
Amendment 002 [Posted May 11, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise the instructions under Part IV, C1. 2. for submission of the Budget file, SF 424A, in
April 1, 2005 -  Funding Opportunity Announcement Number DE-PS26-05NT15540 entitled "Russian Technology Program Funding Opportunity." Contract Specialist: Donna J. Jaskolka. Application due date is May 26, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
March 24, 2005 -  Funding Opportunity Announcement Number DE-PS26-05NT42411 entitled “Advanced Technologies and Concepts to Minimize Freshwater Use in Coal-Based Thermoelectric Power Plants.” Contract Specialist: JoAnn C. Zysk. Application due date is June 10, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Amendment 001 (Posted April 5, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to amend Part VIII - Other Information, G. Participation by Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Contractors (NOV 2004) under FFRDC Contractor Effort.
March 17, 2005 - Solicitation number DE-RP26-05NT42398 entitled “Site Security Services for the NETL & Albany Research Center.” Contract Specialist: Kaye Bloniarz. Application due date is April 20, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in DOE’s Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) on the internet at
NETL has initiated an electronic reading room as part of the strategy to provide information that may benefit potential offerors in preparing their proposals.
Amendment 001 (Posted March 23, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to make administrative changes to Section B.1 and Section L.4 of the solicitation and to clarify 42398SECTIONB.doc. Offerors should use the revised 42398SECTIONB.doc for their cost proposal information.
Amendment 002  (Posted April 15, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to make administrative changes to Section H.13 and Section L.15, File 2(5).
March 11, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42296 Round 2 of Office of FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program Wide Funding Opportunity Announcement. Contract Specialist: Jodi Collins. Application due date is May 2,2005. Comments and Questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42296-04 Natural Gas Vehicle Cylinder Safety, Training and Inspection Project
DE-PS26-05NT42296-05 Natural Gas Vehicle Road Map and Data Collection Effort
Amendment 002    [Posted March 23, 2005)
February 18, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Notice DE-PS26-05NT42396 entitled "State Energy Program (SEP) Special Projects." Contract Specialist: Kelly McDonald.
There are multiple due dates under this announcement starting at May 2, 2005. Please see specific Program Category for specific due dates. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature of IIPS
Applications under this announcement must be submitted directly to the following Program Categories:
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01A Clean Cities AFV Incremental Costs
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01B Clean Cities Refueling Infrastructure
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01C Clean Cities School Buses
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01D Clean Cities Coalition Support
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01E Clean Cities Idle Reduction Technologies
DE-PS26-05NT42396-01F Clean Cities Heavy Duty Hybrid Electric
DE-PS26-05NT42396-02 Industries of the Future
DE-PS26-05NT42396-03 Building Codes & Standards
DE-PS26-05NT42396-04 Rebuild America
DE-PS26-05NT42396-05 Building America
DE-PS26-05NT42396-06 Federal Energy Management Program
DE-PS26-05NT42396-07 Photovoltaic Building Integrated Micro-Inverter
DE-PS26-05NT42396-08A Wind Energy Tall Towers
DE-PS26-05NT42396-08B Wind Energy Wind and Water
DE-PS26-05NT42396-09 Regional Combined Heating and Power Applications Centers
DE-PS26-05NT42396-10 Biomass
DE-PS26-05NT42396-11 Air Quality Integration
Amendment 001 (Posted March 4, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise SECTION IV - APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION, D. CONTENT AND FORM OF APPLICATION - IIPS (NOVE 2004), PROJECT NARRATIVE. Specifically, delete the third paragraph under PROJECT NARRATIVE and substitute the following in lieu thereof:
"The project narrative file must not exceed ten (10) pages (excluding the cover page and Statement of Project Objectives) single-spaced, 1" margins (top, bottom, left, right), and when printed will fit on size 8 1/2" by 11" paper. The type must be legible and not smaller than 11 point. Evaluators will review only the number of pages specified."
The purpose of this revision is to delete the reference to formatting by sections.
Amendment 002 (Posted March 17, 2005)
January 25, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42395 entitled "Drilling, Completion, and Stimulation Funding Opportunity." Contract Specialist: Juliana Heynes. Application Due Date is March 31, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42395-1 Area of Interest 1: Deep Trek
DE-PS26-05NT42395-2 Area of Interest 2: Tight Gas Completion and Stimulation Technologies
DE-PS26-05NT42395-3 Area of Interest 3: Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems
DE-PS26-05NT42395-4 Area of Interest 4: Technologies and Strategies to Enhance Coalbed Methane (CBM) Production
Amendment 01 (Posted February 8, 2005)
Amendment 01 is hereby posted to include a 4th Area of Interest entitled, "Technologies and Strategies to Enhance Coalbed Methane (CBM) Production." Amendment 01 supplements AND CHANGES some sections of the Funding Opportunity Master Announcement. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL APPLICANTS READ THE FUNDING OPPORTUNITY MASTER ANNOUNCEMENT AND AMENDMENT 01.
January 25, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42405  entitled "Methane Hydrate." Contract Specialist: Dona Reese. Application due date is April 18, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Amendment M001 (Posted February 4, 2005)
Amendment M001 corrects an administrative error in Section IV - Application and Submission Information, Paragraph D.2., Application Due Date. This paragragh should read "Applications must be received by MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2005, NOT LATER THAN 8:00 pm EASTERN TIME.
January 25, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement Number DE-PS26-04NT42072-0 'Round 2 of the Advanced Diagnostics and Imaging Announcement' entitled "Understanding, Characterizing, and Imaging Tight Gas Resources." Contract Specialist: Dona Reese. Application due date is March 31, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Amendment 002 (Posted February 15, 2005)
Amendment 002 (1) deletes Subtopic 2 - Diagnostic and Imaging Tools and replaces it with Subtopic 2 - Tools for Tight Gas Exploration, (2) clarifies Appendices listed in Attachment D, Article 4.10, Project Narrative File, Table of Contents, and (3) adds additional instructions to Attachment D, Article 4.10, Project Narrative File, Statement of Project Objectives
January 14, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement Number DE-PS26-05NT42381 entitled "FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program Solicitation for University Research and Graduate Automotive Technology Education (GATE) Centers of Excellence." Contract Specialist: Andrea Gyorke. Application Due is March 10, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following areas of interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42381-01 Area of Interest 1: Low Temperature Combustion
DE-PS26-05NT42381-02 Area of Interest 2: Emission Control Devices
DE-PS26-05NT42381-03 Area of Interest 3: Technologies to Enhance Engine Efficiency
DE-PS26-05NT42381-04 Area of Interest 4: Advanced Fuel Formulations
DE-PS26-05NT42381-05 Area of Interest 5: Graduate Automotive Technology Education 
(GATE) Centers of Excellence
Amendment 001 (Posted February 16, 2005)
Section III - Eligibility Information, Article C, Other Eligibility Requirements (NOV 2004) is amended to add the following:
  NETL Participation
The applicant cannot propose the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) as a team member. THE RESPONSE DUE DATE FOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT REMAINS UNCHANGED.
December 14, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42255, entitled "Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships - Phase II," Contract Specialist: Keith Miles. Application due date is March 15, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature of IIPS.
November 30, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT15600-00 "Oil and Gas Program Solicitation 2005" Contract Specialist: Martin Byrnes. Application due date is March 1, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature of IIPS.
Sign up to be placed on the Partnering Sheet
View University Partnering Sheet [PDF-81KB] | View Operator & Others Partnering Sheet [PDF-50KB]
These links will be removed March 1, 2005.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Topic Areas:
DE-PS26-05NT15600-1A VSP Subsurface Imaging
DE-PS26-05NT15600-1B Reservoir Characterization and Management
DE-PS26-05NT15600-2A Heavy Oil Recovery
DE-PS26-05NT15600-2B Gas Flooding
DE-PS26-05NT15600-3   PUMP Field Demonstrations - CANCELLED
DE-PS26-05NT15600-4A Inspection Technologies
DE-PS26-05NT15600-4B Remote Sensing
DE-PS26-05NT15600-4C Operational Technologies
DE-PS26-05NT15600-4D Materials Development
DE-PS26-05NT15600-5    Alternative Storage Technologies
Amendment 001 (Posted 12/20/2004)
November 17, 2004 - Solicitation for: DE-RP26-04NT42256 entitled "Energy Star, Equipment Standards and Analysis, and Building Technologies Support Services." Contract Specialist: Angela Bosley. Proposal Due Date: January 4, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
November 10, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42350-00 entitled "Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) Core Technology Program." Contract Specialist: Bonnie Dowdell. The Pre-Application due date is 12/1/04 at 2:00 p.m and the Full Application deadline of 1/18/05. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Area of Interest 1: Materials
Area of Interest 1 is comprised of six separate sub-areas of interest to which an application may be submitted. Click on the following links for additional information and to submit an application.
DE-PS26-05NT42350-1A Sub-Area of Interest 1A: Seals - Rigid, High-Strength Sealing Concepts
DE-PS26-05NT42350-1B Sub-Area of Interest 1B: Seals - Innovative Sealing Concepts
DE-PS26-05NT42350-2A Sub-Area of Interest 2A: Interconnect - Materials for SOFC Cathode/Interconnect Interface
DE-PS26-05NT42350-2B Sub-Area of Interest 2B: Interconnect - Identify/Develop Interconect Materials
DE-PS26-05NT42350-3A Sub-Area of Interest 3A: Electrodes - Infiltration of Active Elements into SOFC Electrode Structures
DE-PS26-05NT42350-3B Sub-Area of Interest 3B: Electrodes - Quantification and Understanding of Cr Poisoning of Cathode Activity
Area of Interest 2: Fuel Processing
Area of Interest 2 is comprised of three separate sub-areas of interest to which an application may be submitted. Click on the following links for additional information and to submit an application.
DE-PS26-05NT42350-4A Sub-Area of Interest 4A: Fuel Processing - Sulfur and Carbon Tolerant Diesel Fuel Reformation Catalysts
(Applications are sought to develop improved or novel diesel fuel reforming catalysts suitable for use in either autothermal reforming (ATR) or catalytic partial oxidation reforming (CPOX) reactors.)
DE-PS26-05NT42350-4B Sub-Area of Interest 4B: Fuel Processing - Alternative Reforming Concepts
DE-PS26-05NT42350-4C Sub-Area of Interest 4C: Fuel Processing - Fuel Reforming Technology for Logistic Fuel Applications
Amendment 001 (Posted 11/17/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise Section 1.4, Sub-Area of Interest 4A: Fuel Processing - Sulfur and Carbon Tolerant Diesel Fuel Reformation Catalysts. The first sentence in this section is being changed to replace the word “and” with the word “or”.
November 5, 2004 - Program Solicitation No. DE-PS26-05NT42317 entitled "Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions" 
Contract Specialist: Michael DeStefano. Due Date January 10, 2005. Questions regarding this solicitation may be submitted to the master solicitation utilizing the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Topic Areas:
Topic 1   - Advanced Environmental Control Technologies for Coal
Topic 2    - Advanced Coal Utilization
Topic 3   - Clean Fuels Technology
Topic 4A - Oil Shale and Oil (TAR) Sands Processing & Environmental Factors
Topic 4B - Clearly Define the Geology of Selected Oil (Tar) Sands Deposits
Topic 5A - Improved Materials for Horizontal Coil Tubing for Drilling
Topic 5B - High Speed Drilling Systems for Coil Tubing Drill Rigs
Topic 6    - Natural Gas Exploration, Production and Storage
Topic 7   - Fuel Cells
Topic 8    - Faculty/Student Exploratory Research Training Grants
October 19, 2004 -  Program Solicitation No. DE-PS26-05NT42244 entitled "Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities." Contract Specialist: Brittley Robbins. The due date for submission of applications is November 30, 2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications must be submitted to the appropriate technical topic identified below:
(1) Core Program
Computer-Aided Design of High-Temperature Materials (DE-PS26-05NT42244-01)
Nano-Technology for Coatings in Coal-Fired Environments (DE-PS26-05NT42244-02)
Multi-Pollutant Controls by OxyCombustion (DE-PS26-05NT42244-03)
Novel Sensors for Slagging Coal Gasification Systems (DE-PS26-05NT42244-04)
Electrically-Conductive, Low-Temperature Sintering Materials for Cathode/Interconnect Contact in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (DE-PS26-05NT42244-05)
Partitioning and Mechanism Studies for Mercury and Associated Trace Metals within Coal-Fired Processes (DE-PS26-05NT42244-06)
Water Impacts from Coal-Burning Power Plants (DE-PS26-05NT42244-07)
(2) Innovative Concepts Phase I Program
Joining and Sealing High Temperature Gas Separation Membranes (DE-PS26-05NT42244-08)
Computational Chemistry in Support of Hydrogen from Coal (DE-PS26-05NT42244-09)
Hydrogen Production and Separation (DE-PS26-05NT42244-10)
Measurement and Analysis to Quantify the Contribution of Coal-Fired Utility Boiler
Emissions to Ambient PM2.5 (DE-PS26-05NT42244-11)
Separating Ambient PM2.5 into Source-Specific Fractions for Use in Toxicology Studies (DE- PS26-05NT42244-12)
Turbine Combustion: Chemical Kinetics (DE-PS26-05NT42244-13)
(3) Innovative Concepts Phase II Program (DE-PS26-05NT42244-14)
Amendment 001 ( Posted 11/15/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise Section 1.3, Subparagraph (c), "Joint University/Industry application" under Core Applications. This specific clarification deals with the minimum industrial collaboration.
August 2, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Number DE-PS26-04NT15480-00,  entitled "Microhole Technology Development II," Contract Specialist: Donna Jaskolka. Application Due date is 10/6/2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following areas of interest:
July 26, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Number DE-PS26-04NT42249,
entitled "Development of Technologies and Capabilities for Coal Energy Resources." Contract Specialist: Debra Duncan. Due date for submission of applications is 10/5/2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are sought in the following areas:
Area of Interest 1: Carbon Sequestration
DE-PS26-04NT42249-1A - Subtopic 1A - Direct Capture Technologies
DE-PS26-04NT42249-1B - Subtopic 1B - Indirect Capture Technologies
DE-PS26-04NT42249-1C - Subtopic 1C - Technologies for Mitigating Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
DE-PS26-04NT42249-1D - Subtopic 1D - Monitoring, Verification and Risk Assessment for Carbon Sequestration Options
Area of Interest 2: Power Systems Advanced Research
DE-PS26-04NT42249-2A - Subtopic 2A - Novel High Temperature Materials for In-Situ Sensing Devices
DE-PS26-04NT42249-2B - Subtopic 2B - Materials for Ultra Supercritical Steam (USC) Turbines
DE-PS26-04NT42249-2C - Subtopic 2C - Advanced Power Plant Simulation
Area of Interest 3: Coal Fuels and Hydrogen
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3A - Subtopic 3A - Hydrogen Storage
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3B - Subtopic 3B - Production of High Hydrogen Content Coal-Derived Liquids
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3C - Subtopic 3C - Process Intensification
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3D - Subtopic 3D - Advanced Water-Gas Shift Membrane Reactor
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3E - Subtopic 3E - Advanced Solvents and Solid Sorbents-Based Separation Systems
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3F - Subtopic 3F - Advanced Fuels Research
DE-PS26-04NT42249-3G - Subtopic 3G - Advanced Solid Separation Technologies
Area of Interest 4: Advanced Gasification
DE-PS26-04NT42249-4A - Subtopic 4A - Integrated Sulfur, Ammonia and Chloride Removal
DE-PS26-04NT42249-4B - Subtopic 4B - Integrated Multiple Contaminant Removal of Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium and Cadmium
Amendment 001 (Posted 08/03/2004)
Amendment 001 is being issued to reflect a new value for NH3 in Subtopic 4-A Integrated Sulfur, Ammonia and Chloride Removal and a new value for Cd in Subtopic 4-B, Integrated Multiple Contaminant Removal of Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium and Cadmium.
July 23, 2004 - Solicitation for DE-RP26-04NT42110 entitled "Characterization of Coal Utilization By-Products from Mercury Control Field Testing." Contract Specialist: Donald Hafer. Application Due Date: 8/24/04. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
May 20, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Number DE-PS26-04NT42118 entitled "Solid State Lighting Product Development", Contract Specialist: Keith Carrington, Application Due Date: 07/08/2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are sought in the following areas:
Area of Interest 1: LED Luminaire Design and Materials
Area of Interest 2: High Efficiency, Reliable, Intelligent Electronics for LEDs
Area of Interest 3: OLED Luminaire Design and Materials
Area of Interest 4: High Efficiency, Reliable, Intelligent Electronics for OLEDs
Amendment 001 (Posted 06/16/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to correct inaccurate footnote references. The footnote numbers referenced in the subject master announcement and Exhibits B and C of the announcement have been corrected to reflect independent footnote numbering schemes for each document. The electronic version of the master funding opportunity announcement DE-PS26-04NT42118-00 has been updated to reflect these corrections.
May 24, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Number: DE-PS26-04NT42099, entitled “Energy Efficient Renewable Energy (EERE) High Efficiency Clean Combustion & Waste Heat Recovery for Internal Combustion Engines." Contract Specialist: Mary Beth Pearse. Due date for applications are 08/09/2004.Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are sought in the following areas:
Area of Interest 1: Enabling High Efficiency Clean Combustion
Area of Interest 2: Exhaust Energy Recovery
Amendment 003 (Posted 07/12/2004)
Amendment 003 is being issued to change Article 4.16, Application Due Date. Specifically, the proposal due date is changed to extend the application due date by two weeks to “09 August 2004” from “26 July 2004” Also, any other place in the solicitation where the date “26 Jul 2004” appears, the above date change to “09 August 2004” is in effect. All other solicitation articles remain unchanged, except for the other changes made by previously-released Amendments 001 and 002.
Amendment 002 (Posted 07/07/2004)
Amendment 002 is being issued to change Article 4.11, Attachment 1 Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO). Specifically, in the section entitled PHASE II -Exploratory Development, the second sentence is changed to read “R&D at the subcomponent scale should account for no more than one third of the total project resources.” The 'one third' is changed from 'one half. All other solicitation articles remain unchanged.
Amendment 001 (Posted 06/01/2004)
Amendment 001 is being issued to change Article 6.10, Reporting Requirements. On the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist attached to this article, the delivery frequency of the Technical Progress Report is changed from S (semiannually) to Q (quarterly). All other solicitation articles remain unchanged.

May 5, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Number: DE-PS26-04NT42114, entitled "Energy Efficient Building Technologies", Contract Specialist: Jeffrey Kooser. Due date for applications is 06/22/2004.Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications are sought in the following areas:

DE-PS26-04NT42114-01 - Area of Interest 1 - Building Envelope
DE-PS26-04NT42114-02 - Area of Interest 2 - Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Appliances
DE-PS26-04NT42114-03 - Area of Interest 3 - Lighting
DE-PS26-04NT42114-04 - Area of Interest 4 - Whole Buildings
Amendment 002 (Posted 05/26/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise the last paragraph of Section 1.2 Background Information.
Amendment 001 (Posted 05/06/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise Section 4.16 APPLICATION DUE DATE to accurately reflect the application due date under the Funding Opportunity Announcement No.
DE-PS26-04NT42114-00, as June 22, 2004.

April 28, 2004 - CANCELED - Notice of intent to issue Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-04NT15490-0 entitled “Field Technology Implementation with Independents”. Contract Specialist: Mary Beth Pearse. Note that this is only a SYNOPSIS of a pending action. Release of the Funding Opportunity Announcement is expected to occur Spring 2005, at which time an application due date will be established.  

March 3, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-PS26-04NT42064 entitled: "Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy (EERE) - Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) Mining Industry of the Future Grand Challenge Technology Concepts for the Mining Industry." Contract Specialist: Donna Jaskolka. Application Due Date: June 3, 2004. Comments and questions are welcomed and should be transmitted through the Submit Question feature in the IIPS.
Applications must be submitted in the three specific areas of interest:
DE-PS26-04NT42064-01 - Energy Efficient Alternatives to Current Technologies in Extraction
DE-PS26-04NT42064-02 - Energy Efficient Alternatives to Current Technologies in Material Handling
DE-PS26-04NT42064-03 - Energy Efficient Alternatives to Current Technologies in Beneficiation and Processing
February 23, 2004 - Funding Opportunity Announcement Number: DE-PS26-04NT42072 entitled "Advanced Diagnostics and Imaging". Contract Specialist: Dona Reese. Due date for applications is April 12, 2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Amendment 001 (Posted 04/02/2004)
The purpose of this amendment is to correct the application due day contained in Section IV, Solicitation Application and Submission Information, Article 4.16, Application Due Date - Multiple Due Dates (OCT 2003) from Friday, April 12, 2004 to Monday, April 12, 2004.
February 9, 2004 - Solicitation No. DE-RP26-03NT41819 entitled "Support Administrative Services (SAS)." Contract Specialist: Kaye Bloniarz. Due date for proposal is March 25, 2004.
AWARDED: Performance Results Corporation (PRC)
Contract Award Amount: Total ceiling amount for the three-base period is $10,518,726.00.
Awarded: April 8, 2005
February 5, 2003 - Program Solicitation DE-PS26-03NT41718, entitled "Large Scale Mercury Control Technology Field Testing Program," Contract Specialist, Martin Byrnes, Due date April 30, 2004. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Amendment 002 (posted 11/05/03)
The Department of Energy is extending the second closing date of its Phase II Mercury Control Field-Testing from January 29, 2004 to April 30, 2004. Furthermore, based on the eight projects selected under the first closing date, DOE is more interested in receiving proposals under the second closing date that are focused on Powder River Basin, Texas lignite, or coal blends.
Amendment 001 (posted 02/26/03)
The purpose of this amendment is delete section 3.1 Application Preparation Instructions (Jan 2003) in its entirety and replace it with the attached section 3.1 Application Preparation Instructions. The amended section 3.1 provides additional guidance on where in the application the applicant should attach resumes for key personnel, publications, letters of commitment (including host site letters) and other supporting documents.

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