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NETL Solicitation 2007 Archive

Fiscal Year 2007 Solicitations






10/17/07 RFP2007UN001
Oil and Gas R&D Solicitations (by RPSEA) 12/03/07 J. Heynes
06/12/07 NOI Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Demonstration and Validation (PHEV) TBA C. Sharp
06/12/07 DE-PS26-07NT43209
State Energy Program Special Projects
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 7/17/07)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 7/18/07)


L. Kuzniar
05/18/07 DE-PS26-07NT43185 Energy Efficient Building Technologies Application Centers 07/3/07 A. Bosley
04/26/07 DE-PS26-07NT43112 Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities 06/20/07 J. Cox
04/13/07 DE-PS26-07NT43114 Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by HBCUs and Other Minority Institutions 06/12/07 R. McKee
04/06/07 DE-PS26-07NT43115 Program Year 2007 State Energy Program Formula Grants 08/01/07 J. Golovach
01/17/07 DE-PS26-07NT43103
Office of FreedomCar and Vehicle Technologies
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 1/24/07)
J. Kooser
12/04/06 DE-PS26-07NT43078
Program Year 2007 Weatherization Formula Grants
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 3/20/07)
L. Kuzniar
09/22/06 DE-PS26-06NT43001
Development of Power Electronics and Electric Motor Technology for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), Internal Combustion Engine Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Traction Drive Applications
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 11/02/06)
J. Laukaitis
Superconducting Power Equipment
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 8/22/06)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 9/13/06)
AMENDMENT 003 (Posted 9/26/06)
AMENDMENT 004 (Posted 12/05/06)
S. Miltenberger
Solid State Lighting Product Development III
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 8/9/06)
K. McDonald
Virtual Engineering of Advanced Power Generation Systems
A. Harshman
Solid-State Lighting Core Technologies
T. Hafer
Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities
J. Cox
04/19/06 DE-PS26-06NT42829
Novel Technology and Commercially Focused Approaches to CO2 Capture and Separation for Existing and Future Carbon Based Electric Generation Power Plants.
D. Duncan
04/14/06 DE-PS26-06NT42788
Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 4/25/06)
R. McKee
Central Hydrogen Production Pathway
B. Dowdell
03/02/06 DE-PS26-06NT42801
Alternative Hydrogen Production Pathway and Hydrogen Utilization
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 4/19/06)
B. Robbins
01/26/06 DE-PS26-06NT42718
Office of FreedomCAR & Vehicle Technologies FY06 Funding Opportunity Announcement
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 3/7/06)
A. Gyorke
06/1/05 DE-PS26-05NT42510
Phase III Mercury Control Technology Field Testing and Related Mercury Control Research and Development
AMENDMENT 001 (Posted 06/01/05)
AMENDMENT 002 (Posted 07/20/05)
M. DeStefano

Archives: FY2007 | FY2006 | FY2005 | FY2004FY2003 | FY2002-2000


October 17, 2007 The RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP TO SECURE ENERGY FOR AMERICA (RPSEA) through DOE contract number DE-FC26-07NT42677 is pleased to release two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) entitled, "Unconventional Onshore Program" (RFP2007UN001) and "Small Producer Program" (RFP2007SP001).

Over $35 million of Government funding was identified in Section 999 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to conduct research and development in the areas of (1) Ultra-deepwater architecture and technology; (2) Unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resources exploration and production technology; and (3) the technology challenges of small producers. NETL will continue to provide oversight on all aspects of the "Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Program" conducted by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA). Proposals will not be accepted through the Industry Integrated Procurement System or Please review the RFPs which contain proposal preparation information and instructions on the RPSEA website. Proposal due date (to RPSEA per the RFP instructions) for both RFPs is December 3, 2007. DOE/NETL Contract Specialist: Juliana Heynes.
June 12, 2007 Notice of Intent to Issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement Contract Specialist: Crystal Sharp The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) intends to issue, on behalf of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies (FCVT) Program a Funding Opportunity Announcement entitled “Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Demonstration and Validation (PHEV).” DOE plans to make the Funding Opportunity Announcement available in or around the later part of Calendar Year 2007.
June 12, 2007 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-07NT43209 entitled "State Energy Program Special Projects." Contract Specialist: Lisa Kuzniar. Application. Application Due Date is August 7, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be submitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS
Applications should be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:


Area of Interest 1 - EERE Innovative Market Transformation Programs
Area of Interest 2 - Clean Energy and Air Quality Integration
DE-PS26-07NT43209-03 Area of Interest 3 - Renewable Energy Portfolios and Renewable Energy Certificates
Amendment 001 (Posted July 17, 2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to revise Area of Interest 2 changing “energy efficiency and renewable energy” to “energy efficiency and/or renewable energy”. The following sections of the announcement have been revised: Part I, Summary; Part IV, Merit Review Criterion Discussion; and Part V, Merit Review Criteria.
Amendment 002 (Posted July 18, 2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to add Area of Interest 3, Renewable Energy Portfolios and Renewable Energy Certificates
May 18, 2007 DE-PS26-07NT43185 entitled "Energy Efficient Building Technologies Application Centers." Contract Specialist: Angela Bosley. Application Due Date is July 3, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
April 26, 2007 DE-PS26-07NT43112 entitled "Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities." Contract Specialist is James Cox. Application Due Date is June 20, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
April 26, 2007 DE-PS26-07NT43119 entitled "Office Of Electricity Delivery And Energy Reliability Research And Development." Contract Specialist: Jodi Collins. Application Due Date is June 19, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.

Applications under this announcement must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:

Amendment 001 (Posted May 31, 2007 )
This modification is issued to extend the closing date for Area of Interest 2 ONLY. The revised closing date for Area of Interest 2 will now be July 25, 2007. The closing date for Area of Interest 1 remains June 19, 2007. In addition, the R&R Senior/Key Person is now a required form and the Summary of Required Forms/Files has been updated.
Amendment 002 (Posted June 7, 2007 )
This modification is issued to clarify the process for submitting biographical information for key personnel proposed under this announcement.
Amendment 003 (Posted June 12, 2007)
This modification is issued to clarify the instructions for submitting the Bibliography & References Cited Appendix. As stated in Part IV.C.2. of this announcement, the Bibliography & References Cited Appendix should be included as an appendix to the Project Narrative which is attached to Field 7 of the Research and Related Other Project Information form. The Summary of Required Forms/Files table has been corrected and is now consistent with the text instructions in Part IV.C.2.
DE-PS26-07NT43119-01 Area of Interest 1- Secure Control Systems for the Energy Sector
DE-PS26-07NT43119-02 Area of Interest 2 - Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration
Amendment 004 (Posted June 14, 2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to clarify instructions to complete the R&R Budget and the Subaward Budget forms.
Amendment 005 (Posted June 15, 2007)
This modification is issued to extend the closing date for Area of Interest 1. The revised closing date for Area of Interest 1 will now be June 26, 2007. The closing date for Area of Interest 2 remains July 25, 2007.
Amendment 006 (Posted July 24, 2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the closing date for Area of Interest 2. The revised closing date for Area of Interest 2 will now be August 28, 2007. There will be no further extensions of the closing date for Area of Interest 2 under this announcement.
April 13, 2007 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-07NT43114 entitled "Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by HBCUs and Other Minority Institutions." Contract Specialist: Robyn McKee. Application Due Date is June 12, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Technical Topic Areas:
DE-PS26-07NT43114-01A Technical Topic Area 1A. Robust Sensor Networks for Intelligent Control of Advanced Coal Combustion/Gasification Processes
DE-PS26-07NT43114-01B Technical Topic Area 1B. Novel Sensors for Deep Resources (DOE’s Deep Trek Program)
DE-PS26-07NT43114-01C Technical Topic Area 1C. Air Emission Sensors, Controls, and Modeling for Oil and Gas Resources
DE-PS26-07NT43114-02A Technical Topic Area 2A. Multiphase Flow Simulation
DE-PS26-07NT43114-02B Technical Topic Area 2B. Advanced Diagnostics For Gas Solids Flow Systems
DE-PS26-07NT43114-02C Technical Topic Area 2C. Dynamic Simulation and Advanced Process Control of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Plants
DE-PS26-07NT43114-03A Technical Topic Area 3A. Development of High Temperature Structural Materials
DE-PS26-07NT43114-03B Technical Topic Area 3B. Advanced Materials for Gas Turbine Coatings


Technical Topic Area 3C. Development of Functional Materials for Hydrogen Separation and Storage
April 6, 2007 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-07NT43115 entitled "Program Year 2007 State Energy Program Formula Grants." Contract Specialist: John Golovach. Last Application Due Date is August 1, 2007 - see Page 16 of Funding Opportunity Announcement. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.

January 17, 2007 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-07NT43103 entitled "Office of FreedomCar and Vehicle Technologies." Contract Specialist: Jeffrey Kooser. Application due date is March 15, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted throught the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.

Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:


Area of Interest 1 - E85 Optimized Engine
Area of Interest 2 - Enabling Technologies for Fuels and Lubricants
Area of Interest 3 - Efficiency Clean Combustion and Fuels Co-Development
Amendment 001 (Posted 1/24/2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate the following changes: (1) Part I, Section A, under Area of Interest 2 the minimum cost share required is hereby revised from 25 % to 20% for Phase I costs. (2) Part I, Section A, under Area of Interest 3 paragraph 3 is hereby added to more clearly define the objective under this particular Area of Interest.
December 4, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-07NT43078 entitled "Program Year 2007 Weatherization Formula Grants." Contract Specialist: Lisa Kuzniar. Application due date is August 1, 2007. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Amendment 001 (Posted March 20, 2007)
The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate the final State allocations for Program Year 2007. Weatherization Program Notice 07-2, Program Year 2007 State Allocations has been added as Attachment 3 under the Appendices/ Reference Material section. In addition, changes have been made to Part I, Procedures paragraph; Part II, Paragraph B; and Part IV, Paragraph A.
September 22, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT43001 entitled "Development of Power Electronics and Electric Motor Technology for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), Internal Combustion Engine Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Traction Drive Applications." Contract Specialist: Janet Laukaitis. Application due date is November 15, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT43001-01 Area of Interest 1 - High Temperature Three-Phase Inverter for Advanced Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) including Internal Combustion Engine HEV, Plug-In HEV (PHEV), and Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Traction Drive Applications
DE-PS26-06NT43001-02 Area of Interest 2 - High Speed Motors for Advanced Hybrid Electric Vehicles including Internal Combustion Engine HEV, Plug In HEV (PHEV), and Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Traction Drive Applications
DE-PS26-06NT43001-03 Area of Interest 3 - Integrated Traction Drive System for Advanced Hybrid Electric Vehicles including Internal Combustion Engine HEV, Plug In HEV (PHEV), and Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Traction Drive Applications
DE-PS26-06NT43001-04 Area of Interest 4 - Bi-directional DC/DC Converter for PHEV Applications
Amendment 001 (Posted November 2, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the application due date to December 6, 2006.
August 10, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42874 entitled "Superconducting Power Equipment." Contract Specialist: Susan Miltenberger. Application due date is October 24, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42874-01 Area of Interest 1 - Power Delivery Cables
DE-PS26-06NT42874-02 Area of Interest 2 - Fault Current Limiters
DE-PS26-06NT42874-03 Area of Interest 3 - Other High Temperature Superconductivity Applications
Amendment 001 (Posted August 22, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the closing date to November 7, 2006.
Amendment 002 (Posted September 13, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the application due date to January 10, 2007.
Amendment 003 (Posted September 26, 2006)
Amendment 003 is issued to incorporate "Attachment 1 - Cost Share Example"
Amendment 004 (Posted December 5, 2006)
This Amendment extends the closing date by approximately thirty (30) days from January 10, 2007 to February 13, 2007. As a result of this change, the Government expects to notify applicants selected for award by the end of May, 2007 and to make awards by the end of August, 2007. All other items remain unchanged.
July 18, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42832 entitled "Solid State Lighting Product Development III." Contract Specialist: Kelly McDonald. Application Due Date is September 5, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42832-01 Area of Interest 1 - LED Product Development
DE-PS26-06NT42832-02 Area of Interest 2 - OLED Product Development
DE-PS26-06NT42832-03 Area of Interest 3 - Technical Information Network
Amendment 001 (Posted August 9, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the application due date to September 12, 2006, and incorporate the "EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES" article under PART VII - OTHER INFORMATION.
May 15, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42772 entitled "Virtual Engineering of Advanced Power Generation Systems." Contract Specialist is Angela Harshman. Application due date is July 6, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42772-1 Area of Interest 1- Instrumentation, sensors, and control systems
DE-PS26-06NT42772-2 Area of Interest 2- Materials - Computational Methodologies to design, engineer, and evaluate materials for fossil energy applications
DE-PS26-06NT42772-3 Area of Interest 3- Computational Energy Sciences - development of multi-phase flow modeling for polydispersed systems and uncertainty analysis for advanced power plants and water management systems
May 12, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42831 entitled "Solid-State Lighting Core Technologies." Contract Specialist: Theresa Hafer. Application due date is June 27, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42831-01 Area of Interest 1: LED Internal Quantum Efficiency
DE-PS26-06NT42831-02 Area of Interest 2: LED Extraction Efficiency: Device approaches, structures, and systems and strategies for improved light extraction
DE-PS26-06NT42831-03 Area of Interest 3: OLED Materials Research - High efficiency, low voltage, stable materials
DE-PS26-06NT42831-04 Area of Interest 4: OLED Approaches to OLED structures between the electrodes for improved performance low-cost white-light devices
April 24, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42751 entitled "Support of Advanced Coal Research at U.S. Colleges and Universities." Contract Specialist: James Cox. Application due date is June 14, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Technical Topic Areas:
Technical Topic Area 1A - Development of Robust Sensor Networks for Intelligent Control of Advanced Coal Based Power Generation Systems
DE-PS26-06NT42751-1B Technical Topic Area 1B - Novel Sensing Techniques For Rapid Detection of Coal Derived Synthesis Gas
DE-PS26-06NT42751-1C Technical Topic Area 1C -New Developments for Condition Monitoring and Prognostic Capabilities for Fossil Energy Power Systems
DE-PS26-06NT42751-1D Technical Topic Area 1D - Techniques to Minimize and Manage Flame Flashback and Combustion Instability Events in Turbines with High Hydrogen Fuels- Flame
DE-PS26-06NT42751-2A1 Technical Topic Area 2A1 - Polydispersed Systems
Technical Topic Area 2A2 - Frictional Flow Regime
DE-PS26-06NT42751-2B Technical Topic Area 2B - Dynamic Simulation and Advanced Process Control of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plants
DE-PS26-06NT42751-3A Technical Topic Area 3A - Computer-Aided Design of Advanced Materials
DE-PS26-06NT42751-3B Technical Topic Area 3B - Experimental Studies for the Development of High Temperature Structural Materials
DE-PS26-06NT42751-3C Technical Topic Area 3C - Experimental Studies for the Development of Functional Materials for Hydrogen-Based Energy Systems
DE-PS26-06NT42751-3D Technical Topic Area 3D - Cathode Performance and Stability Improvements in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
April 19, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42829 entitled "Novel Technology and Commercially Focused Approaches to CO2 Capture and Separation for Existing and Future Carbon Based Electric Generation Power Plants." Contract Specialist: Debra Duncan. Application due date is June 16, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42829-1 Area of Interest 1 - Breakthrough Approaches to Carbon Dioxide and Separation
DE-PS26-06NT42829-2 Areas of Interest 2 - Continued Development of Direct CO2 Capture and Separation Technologies
DE-PS26-06NT42829-3 Area of Interest 3 - Field-testing of CO2 Capture and Separation Technologies
April 14, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42788 entitled "Support of Advanced Fossil Resource Conversion and Utilization Research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions." Contract Specialist: Robyn McKee. Application due date is June 11, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.

Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:

DE-PS26-06NT42788-01 Area of Interest 1 - Sensors & Controls
DE-PS26-06NT42788-02 Areas of Interest 2 - Computational Energy Sciences
DE-PS26-06NT42788-03 Area of Interest 3 - Advanced Materials
Amendment 001 (Posted April 25, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to change the application due date to June 13, 2006.
March 28, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42800 entitled "Central Hydrogen Production Pathway." Contract Specialist: Bonnie Dowdell. Application due date is June 8, 2006. Questions and comments are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42800-1 Area of Interest 1 - Development and Scale-Up of Novel Polishing Filter Materials and Devices
DE-PS26-06NT42800-2 Area of Interest 2 - Process Intensification
March 2, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42801 entitled "Alternative Hydrogen Production Pathway and Hydrogen Utilization." Contract Specialist: Brittley Robbins. Application due date is May 11, 2006. Comments and questions are welcomed and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature of IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42801-A Area of Interest A - Alternative Hydrogen Production Pathway
DE-PS26-06NT42801-B Area of Interest B - Hydrogen Utilization

Amendment 001 (Posted April 19, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the Application Due Date from 04/27/2006 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time to 05/11/2006 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

January 26, 2006 Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-06NT42718 entitled "Office of FreedomCAR & Vehicle Technologies FY06 Funding Opportunity Announcement." Contract Specialist is Andrea Gyorke. Application Due Date is March 16, 2006. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Question" feature in IIPS.
Applications must be submitted under one of the two following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-06NT42718-01 Area of Interest 1 - Advanced Start-of-Combustion, NOx or PM Sensor
DE-PS26-06NT42718-02 Area of Interest 2 - Fuels, Fuel Additives, and Lubricant Formulations
Amendment 001 (Posted March 7, 2006)
The purpose of this amendment is to change the application due date for Area of Interest 2 from 03/16/2006 to 05/16/2006 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. THE RESPONSE DUE DATE FOR AREA OF INTEREST 1 REMAINS UNCHANGED AT 03/16/2006 AT 8:00 PM EASTERN TIME
June 1, 2005 - Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-PS26-05NT42510 entitled "Phase III Mercury Control Technology Field Testing and Related Mercury Control Research and Development." Contract Specialist: Michael DeStefano. Application Due Date is September 15, 2005. Comments and questions are welcomed, and should be transmitted through the "Submit Questions" feature in IIPS.
Applications are being sought in the following Areas of Interest:
DE-PS26-05NT42510-01 Area of Interest 1 - Phase III Field Testing of Advanced Post-Combustion Mercury Control Technologies Capable of Achieving 90+% Mercury Removal
DE-PS26-05NT42510-02 Area of Interest 2 - Phase II Round 3 Field Testing of Advanced Post-Combustion Mercury Control Technologies Capable of Achieving 50-70% Mercury Removal
DE-PS26-05NT42510-03 Area of Interest 3 - Novel Combustion and Post-Combustion Mercury Control Technologies Capable of Achieving 70+% Mercury Removal
DE-PS26-05NT42510-04 Area of Interest 4 - Novel Pre-Combustion Mercury Control Technologies Capable of Achieving 50+% Increase in Mercury Removal
Amendment 001 (Posted June 1, 2005)
The purpose of this amendment is to: Revise the language in Part I, Section C, Area of Interest 2, Item 4 of the Master Funding Opportunity Announcement. Delete burning subbituminous coals from the sentence in Item 4. The revised Item 4 is to read as follows: 4. Additional testing of either standard or treated ACI and/or SEAs on plants using cyclone boilers and equipped with an ESP.
Amendment 002 (Posted 7/20/05) The purpose of this amendment is to revise the date for receipt of applications from August 15, 2005 to September 15, 2005.

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