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Animal Products Markets in 2005 and Forecasts for 2006

By Keithly Jones

Outlook Report No. (LDPM-14601) 15 pp, September 2006

Uncertainty continues to shape the forecasts for animal products markets in 2006. Potential and actual animal disease outbreaks, consumer sensitivities, volatile exchange rates, and growing competition from producers in other countries cloud U.S. trade prospects for major meats. Loss of U.S. trade market share, partly caused by disease outbreaks and related trade restrictions that have affected animal product exports since 2003, compounds the problem. The outlook for U.S. meat, poultry, and dairy markets in 2006 depends on how well domestic production adjusts to changes in input costs, the effect of exchange rates on trade, the continuing effects of disease and trade restrictions on exports, and the increasing competitiveness of emerging animal products exporters.

Keywords: Avian Influenza, AI, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, BSE, animal products, beef, cattle, hogs, pork, sheep, lamb, poultry, broilers, turkey, eggs, trade restrictions, ERS, USDA

In this report ...

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Updated date: September 8, 2006

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