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Patent Title: Method Using Plant Oils to Reduce Livestock Odors


Docket Number: 9805
Serial Number: 11116055

Technology Description:

Livestock production and the waste it generates can pose a threat to soil, water and air quality, and to human health. Some of the more serious problems with livestock waste include odors, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the presence and transmission of pathogens.

ARS scientists have discovered a method to reduce pathogens and gaseous emissions from animal or human waste by using essential oils–like those produced by carvacrol and thymol. Thymol and carvacrol are natural products, generally recognized as safe (GRAS), and are stable in anaerobic manure environments; however, they will degrade in aerobic soil environments. Essential oils can also be found in many common herbal plants. These oils can also reduce the populations of fecal bacteria such as Escherichia coli. These natural chemicals function as antimicrobial agents and reduce overall fermentation activity of stored manure. Short-chain volatile fatty acids are the predominant volatile organic compounds in stored manure and are responsible for the odor emitted from manure. Few, if any commercial chemical additives have been effective in reducing odorous gases from manure storage facilities. Many commercial additives promote fermentation activity--increasing the production of greenhouse gases, and nitrogen loss.

Chemical manufacturing companies could develop this invention into a commercial product that would ultimately benefit the livestock industry.


Please refer to S.N. 11/116,055 (Docket #0098.05), "Use of Plant-Derived Oils for Reduction of Odor Gases from Waste," which was filed on April 27, 2005, and is a continuation of USPN 6,902,726 (Docket #0138.01), "Reduction of Odor Gases from Waste Using Plant-Derived Oils," which Issued on June 7, 2005. Foreign rights are not available.


Vincent H. Varel
U.S. Meat Animal Research Center
Nutrition Research
Clay Center, Nebraska 68933-0166
(402) 762-4207 / Fax: (402) 762-4209

Last Modified: 10/16/2008
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