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Myths & FACTS about PDF

I need to use PDF so people can't change my document.

This is the oldest PDF myth going. In fact, there are dozens of programs available that can alter PDF files as easily as HTML.

I need to use PDF to show the document has been signed. People need the signed document.

Signatures on the Web are risky. At DOJ, to protect against identity theft, the posting of signatures is prohibited. The proper way to indicate signature on the Web is the S-signature, a signature inserted between forward slash marks [37 CFR 1.4(d)(2)]:



PDF files are easier, faster.

Not for the site visitor. And often, by the time they are properly tagged for 508, not for you either.

All PDFs must be tagged.

If the content is also available in HTML that is properly coded for accessibility, the PDF does not need to be tagged.

(Apparent) Myth
You just hate PDFs and don't think they should ever be used!

Not true!
PDF is a valuable application used:

  • To post files where the format needs to be preserved for later printing (i.e., fact sheets and other "tool kit" items, brochures, etc.)
  • To post files (usually lengthy) best read in hard copy.
  • To deliver (fillable) forms