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Contact the Ombudsman's Office

Here is the contact information for the FSA Ombudsman of the Department of Education. You may also want to read About the Ombudsman.

Postal mail


U.S. Department of Education
FSA Ombudsman
830 First Street, NE
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20202-5144


Phone number

Fax number



Online request for assistance


If you have taken the necessary steps to resolve your loan problem on your own, you are invited to ask the Ombudsman's office to help you find a resolution. We have provided a printable Self-Resolution Checklist so that you can make sure you've taken all the necessary steps before calling us in. After you have gone as far as you can go on your own, you may fill out the online Ombudsman Assistance Request Form.

Last updated/reviewed August 3, 2007

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