II.D. Technical Support

A number of support facilities and services are available for outside users who perform experiments at ATLAS. The User Liaison Physicist should be contacted if there are any questions regarding the available options.

Technical assistance in the setup of experimental apparatus and in the implementation of experiments can be arranged in most cases. The users should contact the Outside User Liaison Person to discuss his needs. The Outside User Liaison Person should also be contacted to obtain information regarding details of vacuum systems, electronics, interface to computers, data acquisition programs, etc.

To deal with specialized services or for obtaining materials, the facilities and services of the Laboratory can be utilized, provided the user establishes an account at the Laboratory (see Appendix I: Setting up an Account for Services at Argonne). With such an account essentially all the services available to a staff member of the Laboratory become available to the user (e.g., stockroom, machine shops, Electronics Division, computers, riggers, etc.). The user should discuss prior to arrival with the Outside User Liaison Person the procedures and scheduling constraints for getting things done for an experiment.

For assistance with targets, gas handling systems, electronics, existing detector systems, and the availability of radioactive sources for calibrations, the user should contact Outside User Liaison Person, or the liaison person associated with specific areas of concern on experimental apparatus.

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