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May 08 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine

More than a job

A rewarding experience

From left to right, Students’ Association executive members Pawan Rastogi, Thomas Lockard, and Katie Wurden visit with Terry Wallace, principal associate director for Science, Technology, and Engineering.
From left to right, Students’ Association executive members Pawan Rastogi, Thomas Lockard, and Katie Wurden visit with Terry Wallace, principal associate director for Science, Technology, and Engineering. Photo by Richard Robinson

Each summer and throughout the year, more than 1,000 young adults from high school, college, and graduate school come to the Laboratory to gain work experience, explore their field of study, apply knowledge they’ve learned in school, and advance their careers.

Among this group are five individuals who serve on the Students’ Association executive committee.

“I got involved primarily because I want to help students have a rewarding experience,” said Pawan Rastogi of Inorganic Isotope and Actinide Chemistry, treasurer of the Students’ Association.

“I see the association as a networking opportunity, a chance for students to connect, discover what the Lab is all about, and a means for creating social events and other opportunities for students,” said David Seigel of Technology Transfer and chair of the Association.

“I grew up in Los Alamos, so I know what it is like to be here,” said Katie Wurden of the Water Stewardship Program and Association vice-chair. “I have become the unofficial liaison, helping new students adjust and enjoy their experience in Los Alamos and at the Lab. I see the social aspect as being very important, the opportunity to network and meet.” 

Networking opportunities sponsored by the Students’ Association include the annual student picnic, informal luncheons with Laboratory senior managers, Lab tours, and other after-hours social events.

“We bring important student issues to the administration, with the hope of finding viable solutions,” said Thomas Lockard of Plasma Physics and Association vice-chair.

“One way we have done this is with a few informal lunches, which have given students an opportunity to interact with Lab leadership,” adds Seigel.

Tours and workshops also are arranged to help students build their future careers and expose them to a variety of disciplines.

“We strongly encourage students to join the association or volunteer to help with events,” Seigel said.

“As the executive committee, we are not a hierarchy. We simply serve as a resource for students and as a tool to help them,” said Rastogi.

“The more the merrier; everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved,” said Wurden.

To volunteer with the Students’ Association or for more information, go to http://sa.lanl.gov/ or e-mail saexec@lanl.gov.

-Ed Vigil



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