Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 1449 Protest Filed in Reissue Where Patent Is in Interference [R-3] - 1400 Correction of Patents

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1449 Protest Filed in Reissue Where Patent Is in Interference [R-3] - 1400 Correction of Patents

1449 Protest Filed in Reissue Where Patent Is in Interference [R-3]

If a protest (see MPEP Chapter 1900) is filed in a reissue application related to a patent involved in a pending interference proceeding, the reissue application should be referred to the Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA) before considering the protest and acting on the reissue application.

The OPLA will check to see that:

(A) all parties to the interference are aware of the filing of the reissue; and

(B) the Office does not allow claims in the reissue which are unpatentable over the pending interference count(s), or found unpatentable in the interference proceeding. After the reissue application has been reviewed by the OPLA, the reissue application with the protest will be returned to the examiner. See MPEP § 1441.01 for a discussion as to protests under 37 CFR 1.291* in reissue applications.

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