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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

eMAR (Electronic-Medication Administration Record )

Text Description is below the image.

Screen shot of the Electronic-Medication Administration Record (eMAR). To the left of the screen shot is the following text:

Provides Detailed Information
To improve efficiency and safety

  • Start and Stop Dates
  • List Trade and Generic name
  • List dosage, route, and frequency.
  • List when the medication was last given.
  • List when the medication is next scheduled.

Associated Data

  • The user can access related information from nursing assessments and labs.


  • Detailed information regarding the use of the medication.


The biggest challenge especially for the first facility. The MAR is not viewable until 24 hours prior to a scheduled medication is to be given. Therefore we had build the dictionaries and entered all the orders, took the team of about 8-10 people about a week.

But it wasn't until Sat before go live on Sunday Midnight (Super Bowl Sunday) that we knew how the MAR would really look. We came into look it over and freaked out. _(Need more here about what we found___) So we re-entered multiple medications and finished somewhere around 11 pm for our go live at midnight. But we learned a lot.

Our most valuable lesson we learned was work on test a lot more. Trial—test—trial some more.

The first pass for the nurses and med techs was a challenge, one nurse who had never used a computer took her the first pass about 45 minutes longer that usual. But within a week was shorter than when using paper

Cause and effect is huge. Best thing integration and worst thing integration

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care