Amber Waves cover, September 2007
Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America

September 2007

| United States Department of Agriculture | Economic Research Service
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Statistics Heading

Markets and Trade

Chart: High oil prices and Energy Policy Act of 2005 raise corn-based ethanol production

Chart: Stocks-to-use ratios for corn, wheat, and soybeans are projected to remain at historic lows, raising the potential for increased price volatility


Diet and Health

Chart: Female-headed households spend the least on food from grocery stores. . .

Chart: . . .and about the same as low-income households on eating out


Farms, Firms, and Households

Chart: Share and average program payments for farm operators with adjusted gross income (AGI) over $200,00 by type of organization, 2004


Rural America

Chart: Nonmetro population change for selected county types, 2000-06

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