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Homeland Security Advisory System

TheHomeland Security Advisory System was designed after 9/11 to provide warnings to the American people about the threat level for a terrorist attack. There are five "threat conditions," and each has a specific color. Your federal government and emergency managers have specific actions they take depending on the threat level. The greater the risk of a terrorist attack, the higher the threat level.

Who decides what the threat level is? The nation's Attorney General and the Secretary for Homeland Security make that decision. The threat level is constantly reviewed and may be changed. So far, since the system was started, there have only been two changes. Last July, officials felt the threat had increased, and they changed the level from yellow to orange. After the July 4th holiday, they lowered the level back to yellow. The threat was elevated again in early February 2003. It was lowered again on February 27, 2003.

Theseare the levels:

  • Low - low risk of terrorist attacks. Low Condition (Green). There is a low risk of terrorist attacks.

  • Guarded - General risk of terrorist attacks. Guarded Condition (Blue). There is a general risk of terrorist attacks.

  • Elevated - Significant risk of terrorist attacks. Elevated Condition (Yellow). There is a significant risk of terrorist attacks. The public should be alert to suspicious activity.

  • High - High risk of terrorist attacks. High Condition (Orange). There is a high risk of terrorist attacks. Officials will take additional precautions at public events and restrict access to some specific sites within a city or area.

  • Severe - Severe risk of terrorist attacks. Severe Condition (Red). There is a severe risk of terrorist attacks and is the highest level. Officials may close public and government buildings, activate special teams and limit transportation systems. People should avoid public gathering places and stay tuned to the media.


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