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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

Receipt of All Three Recommended Services for Diabetics, by Race/Ethnicity, Income, Insurance, and Residence, 2002

Text Description is below the image.

Bar chart shows percent of diabetics (ages 18+) who received HbA1c test, retinal exam, and foot exam in past year:

  • Total: 53%
  • White: 55%
  • Black: 54%
  • Hispanic: 38%
  • 400%+ of poverty: 61%
  • 200%-399% of poverty: 50%
  • 100%-199% of poverty: 47%
  • <100% of poverty: 46%
  • Private (Insurance for people ages 18-64): 54%
  • Uninsured: 24%
  • Urban (refers to metropolitan area > 1 million inhabitants): 55%
  • Rural (refers to noncore area < 10,000 inhabitants): 45%

Data: 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (AHRQ 2005a)
Source: Commonwealth Fund National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2006

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