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King County GIS Training Program

The KCGIS Training Program is King County's multi-faceted approach to providing tailored training options to meet the learning needs of GIS users and professionals. We offer a broad mix of learning opportunities, which includes ESRI-authorized classes, a growing catalog of custom King County GIS Training Express classes, and free brownbag workshops.

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What We Offer:
Tailored Training Services – Real World and Hands-On

Are you new to GIS? Need to refine your skills or acquire specialized GIS training?

  • The KCGIS Center offers a tailored selection of learning opportunities, with ESRI-authorized classes, a growing catalog of custom GIS Training Express classes, and frequent free brownbag workshops. Learn hands-on from experienced and highly effective instructors in our convenient state-of-the-art Seattle training facility. We can even bring our training to your work site.
  • Introductory ESRI classes are taught by Cheryl Wilder, our top-performing ESRI-authorized instructor. Advanced classes are taught in our Seattle facility by skilled ESRI instructors.
  • Our custom GIS Training Express classes are designed and taught by senior KCGIS analysts, subject matter experts with years of real-world GIS experience.
  • Frequent free workshops can help anyone access and master KCGIS resources, such as iMap, census data, and property information.

Our broad range of tailored classes, experienced instructors, convenient location, and low prices provide exceptional value for the time and money you invest in your GIS future.

Let the KCGIS Center Training Program tailor a cost-effective solution for your GIS training needs.

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King County GIS Training Express Custom Classes

The GIS Training Express program launched its first custom class, "Basics of SQL," in September 2005. Two years and dozens of students later, we now have eight classes in our catalog and more are under development.  The GIS Training Express curriculum is designed to be specific and detailed, yet broad enough to suit the business needs of individuals from many different agencies. A range of class offerings allows users to stick to GIS basics, or to expand their knowledge with advanced or highly specialized topics.

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GIS Boot Camp

GIS Boot Camp makes it easy for you to take advantage of KCGIS custom training by packaging seven GIS Training Express classes in five days. Plus, on Friday afternoon the instructors will be staffing a drop-in clinic where Boot Camp attendees will be able to receive one-on-one consultation and coaching.

arrow bullet More information about GIS Boot Camp
arrow bullet View the GIS Boot Camp flyer (.pdf format)

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KCGIS Training Program Partners

ESRI logosKing County GIS is an ESRI Authorized Training Partner, providing both ESRI training with our own ESRI-authorized instructor, as well as advanced ESRI training in King County's Seattle training facility.

ESRI training: (external link)

Washington State Department of Personnel logoThe King County GIS Center provides GIS training for State of Washington and other federal, local and tribal government employees via its partnership with the Washington State Department of Personnel.

Washington DOP training: (external link)

NOAA Coastal Services Center logoKing County GIS partners with the NOAA Coastal Service Center to provide ESRI-authorized training and custom coastal GIS training in our Seattle training facility.

NOAA CSC training: (external link)

GIS Certification Instite logoESRI classes and KCGIS Center custom classes are eligible for educational achievement points awarded by the GIS Certification Institute. See our training catalog class pages for the number of points that can be earned for each individual class.

GIS Certification Institute: (external link)

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The KCGIS Training Program Can Come to You!

The KCGIS Training Program can come to your agency or facility to make GIS training even more economical and convenient for your employees.  We have provided on-site GIS training for the Cities of Bellingham, Seattle, and Redmond, for Snohomish County, and for the Seattle Public School District.  Contact the King County GIS Center to learn more about tailored on-site KCGIS training.

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Why GIS Training Is Essential

GIS tools and technology are complex and continually evolving. Agencies and individuals must invest training time and money to reap the full benefit from a geographic information system. King County’s tailored GIS Training Program will help you develop, broaden, and maintain your GIS skills, keep you current with the latest technology, and improve your ability to put GIS to work effectively.

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Praise for Our Program

Don't take just our word for it, read what others have said about KCGIS Center training (the following are actual class evaluation comments):

ESRI-Authorized classes:

  • Clear and concise - gave good information and time to finish the exercises and experiment on our own. Always willing to help and took the time to find answers she didn't have on hand. Cheryl did a great job explaining the class materials.
  • The class was extremely useful. Cheryl was a fabulous instructor. Book and sample exercises very well suited to my skill level. Logical, easy to follow. I did not feel lost in class.
  • Good pace for a two-day class. I didn't feel rushed or bored. The material will come in handy for my typical work duties.
  • Cheryl has an excellent teaching tempo and is very open to answering questions during the class. I would recommend her to others.
  • I have taken several GIS classes from Cheryl. She is an excellent instructor, very patient, and very willing to work with students to help them understand the concepts.
  • Cheryl Wilder is a great instructor. I came to the class without any knowledge, now I am eager to pursue further in the next GIS class to enhance my career path.

KCGIS Custom Classes:

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Follow these links to learn more about the GIS training that is available to you through the King County GIS Center:

Catalog | Calendar | Registration | Location

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