American Indian Tribe

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Missinipi Broadcasting

Native American

Inuit and Cree
Radio and TV

Turtle Island 
Native Network



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Internet Radio





Welcome to American Indian Tribe.

This website is intended to give you a head-start in your research on the historical background of many American Indian tribes.

It presents an overview of available resources as well as short histories of the tribes.

Our Websites page features links to various American Indian pages and resources.

We'll be adding more as we go, so keep coming back to see what's new.






Featured Book

The Comanche (Indians of North America Series)
by Willard H. Rollings, Frank W., III Porter(Editor)


Other  Books 

The Boy Who Lived With the Seals
by Rafe Martin, 
w/David Shannon (Illustrator) 

Medicine Woman
by Lynn V. Andrews


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