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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Importance and Confidence Reflect Commitment to Change

Text Description is below the image.

Picture showing increased Importance and Confidence lead to Success.


As noted earlier, the grid shows how Conviction and Confidence interact to reflect the likelihood of taking action and changing behavior.

Both high conviction and confidence are needed before a patient can finally achieve success.

Let's say both conviction and confidence are low, a very common situation, especially when patients are in the precontemplator stage. Would you start with trying to increase conviction or confidence? [Elicit ideas from the participants.....asking then to elaborate on their reasoning. Almost always someone will say start with conviction.]

As some have said, it is usually best to focus on increasing conviction firs. Enhancing confidence to begin an exercise regimen is not likely to lead to change if the person is not convinced that it is valuable or important.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care