Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day, April 28, 2005


During the morning, children spent time with their parents.  Afternoon brought a special production of Einstein! Einstein! followed by tours of RHIC, ITD, the fire house, Science Museum, and tree planting.

Einsteinl.jpg (29127 bytes) Herr Professor Doctor Doctor (brilliant and handsome, but lacking a well-stuck mustache) explains physics.
Einsteinh.jpg (18240 bytes) "You're being a physicist when you wonder why the sky is blue or look up at stars!" Herr Doctor explained.
Einsteini.jpg (24130 bytes) The lecture was followed by a rousing game of "That's my Theory!"  Herr Doctor introduced three scientists who all claimed to be Einstein.
Einsteing.jpg (28634 bytes) Each of the scientists answered questions about themselves -- and their theories -- and the audience was asked to figure out which one was really "Einstein."
Einsteina.jpg (24655 bytes) This scientist tested his theories in Pisa, Italy.  The scientist on the left made a pendulum clock.
Einsteinb.jpg (25968 bytes) The scientist on the right wrote three important papers 100 years ago, this year.  
Einsteinf.jpg (25091 bytes) The audience applauded to vote which scientist they thought was "Einstein."
Einsteine.jpg (26158 bytes) Professor Chanteuse led the audience in singing "Divine Einstein" while the scientists changed into their real costumes.
Einsteinq.jpg (35618 bytes) When the scientists returned, they signed in and explained who they really were.
Einsteinr.jpg (31304 bytes) Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist whose measurements of gravity determined that -- in a vaccuum -- a feather and an elephant would fall at the same rate if thrown off the Tower of Pisa.
Einsteino.jpg (34787 bytes) Sir Isaac Newton, an English scientist, founded the branch of mathematics called "Calculus" and defined the theory of gravity.  Sir Newton graciously offered to sign autographs after the presentation.
Einsteinn.jpg (33029 bytes) Albert Einstein was a German scientist whose annus mirabilis we are celebrating this year.
Einsteinc.jpg (28944 bytes) Einstein explains that imagination is more important than knowledge.
Einsteinj.jpg (22758 bytes) Einstein! Einstein!  He's our man!

led by volunteers from the audience.

Einsteink.jpg (24671 bytes) Einstein! Einstein!  He's our man!

If he can't solve it, no one can!

Einsteind.jpg (30795 bytes) The cast of characters, left to right:

  Galileo Galilei Jeff Mitchell, PHENIX detector, Physics Department
  Herr Professor Doctor Doctor: Todd Satogata, Collider-Accelerator Department
  Albert Einstein: Achim Franz, PHENIX detector, Physics Department
  Sir Isaac Newton: Gene Van Buren, STAR detector, Physics Department
  Professor Chanteuse: Yvette Malavet-Blum, Director's Office
  Director: Elaine Lowenstein, Community, Education, Government, and Public Affairs
  Additional support from Marsha Belford and Jen Clodius, Community, Education, Government, and Public Affairs

Einsteinm.jpg (37518 bytes) Navene Marinkovic and Dierdre Kelly 

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sherry Johnson