Community Advisory Council Meeting Agendas

Community Advisory Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, unless otherwise noted, in Berkner Hall, Room B.  The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public.

2008 Agendas

October 2, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

September 18, 2008

10th Anniversary Celebration

August 12, 2008

No Meeting

July 8, 2008

No Meeting

June 12, 2008

Emergency Operations Center, Bldg. 939

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:40     Emergency Management Overview & EOC Tour
                     John Searing, Emergency Management Director

7:40 - 7:45     Community Comment

7:45 - 7:55     Break

7:55 - 8:35     2007 Peconic River Monitoring Results
                     William Medeiros, EWMSD

8:35 - 9:00     CAC Discussion - 10th Anniversary, nano articles, summer meetings

May 8, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:35     Climate Change:  The Knowns, the Known Unknowns, and the
                     Unknown Unknowns
                     Stephen Schwartz, Senior Scientist,
                     Atmospheric Sciences Division

7:35 - 7:45     Agenda Setting

7:45 - 7:50     Community Comment

7:50 - 8:00     Break

8:00 - 8:45     Nanotechnology ESH, State of Affairs
                     Deborah Bauer, Environmental Compliance Representative,
                     Basic Energy Science Directorate

April 10, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:30     The New Machine at CERN and How It Relates to BNL,
                     Tom Ludlam, Chair, Physics Department

7:30 - 7:35     Nano Committee Report, Jim Heil

7:35 - 7:45     Agenda Setting

7:45 - 7:50     Community Comment

7:50 - 8:00     Break

8:00 - 8:40     Deer Management, Tim Green,
                     Cultural & Natural Resource Manager

8:40 - 9:00     Membership Discussion

Click here for the April 10 minutes.

March 13, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:45     Formulate Recommendation on Proposed Remedial Action Plan
                     for the High Flux Beam Reactor

7:45 - 8:00     Agenda Setting

8:00 - 8:05     Community Comment

8:05 - 8:15     Break

8:15 - 9:00     Environmental Impacts and Controls Associated with
                     Work with Nanomaterials
                     Deborah Bauer, Environmental Compliance Representative,
                     Basic Energy Sciences Directorate

Click here for the March 13 minutes.

February 14, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:20     CAC Input on Future Presentations & Discussion on Nano Sciences
                     & Nano Environment, Safety, & Health Issues

7:20 - 7:35     Agenda Setting

7:35 - 7:40     Community Comment

7:40 - 7:50     Break

7:50 - 9:00     HFBR Remedial Alternatives & Preferred Alternative Panel Discussion

Click here for the February 14 minutes.

January 10, 2008

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:45     Administrative

6:45 - 7:30     Global and Regional Environmental threats to
                     Long Island's Central Pine Barrens
                     Prof. Gilbert N. Hanson, Dept. of Geosciences,

7:30 - 7:40     Agenda Setting

7:40 - 7:45     Community Comment

7:45 - 7:55     Break

7:55 - 9:00     HFBR Remedial Alternatives & Preferred Alternative
                     Les Hill, Director
                     Environmental Restoration Projects  

Click here for the January 10 minutes. 

2007 Agendas

January 11, 2007

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:10     Discussion with Regulators on the Five-Year Review
                     Doug Pocze, EPA; Chek Ng, NYSDEC; and Sy Robbins, SCDHS

7:10 - 7:45     Life Sciences at BNL
                     Fritz Henn, Associate Director for Life Sciences

7:45 - 7:50     Community Comment

7:50 - 8:00     Break

8:00 - 8:45     Groundwater Remediation Update
                     George Goode, Division Manager
                     Environmental & Waste Management Services Division

8:45 - 8:50     Agenda Setting    

Click here for the Minutes for this meeting.

February 8, 2007

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 7:20     Administrative
                     Updates:    Tritium at the STP
                                     Continuing Resolution

7:20 - 7:55     Cosmology
                     Sam Aronson, Director

7:55 - 8:00     Community Comment

8:00 - 8:10     Break

8:10 - 8:55     CAC Discussion on LIPBS Questions

8:55 - 9:00     Agenda Setting

Click here for the Minutes for this meeting.

March 8, 2007

Medical Building, Large Conference Room

6:30 - 7:00     Administrative
                          Lab response to CAC discussion - Sam Aronson, Director
                          Updates:  HFBR/BGRR

7:00 - 7:45     Update on Peconic River Sampling, Part I
                     Skip Medeiros, Environmental & Waste Management Services

7:45 - 7:50     Community Comment

7:50 - 8:00     Break

8:00 - 8:55     CAC discussion on questions posed by the Pine Barrens Society
                     at the January 2007 meeting

8:55 - 9:00     Agenda Setting

Click here for the March 8 Minutes.

April 12, 2007

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30  - 6:45     Administrative

6:45 - 7:30     Update on Peconic River Sampling, Part II
                     Skip Medeiros, Environmental & Waste Management Services

7:30 - 7:35     Community Comment

7:35 - 7:45     Break

7:45 - 8:45     Discussion and Decisions on the CAC Self-Assessment

8:45 - 9:00     Agenda Setting

Click here for the April 12 Minutes.

May 10, 2007

Berkner Hall, Room B


6:30 - 7:00     Administrative
                     Update: BGRR/HFBR

7:00 - 7:30     g-2 Record of Decision / Response to Comments
                     Doug Paquette, Environmental and Waste Management
                     Services Division

7:30 - 7:35      Community Comment

7:35 - 7:45      Break

7:45 - 8:45     Wildlife Management: Deer, Ticks, Turkey and Geese
                     Tim Green, Ph.D., Cultural & Natural Resource Manager

8:45 - 9:00      Agenda Setting

Click here for the May 10 Minutes.


June 14, 2007

Brookhaven Center, South Room

6:30 - 6:45     Administrative

6:45 - 7:00     Schedule Update for BGRR / HFBR
                     Les Hill, Director, Environmental Restoration Projects

7:00 - 7:30     BGRR Work Activities
                     Tom Daniels, D & D Operations Manager

7:30 - 7:35     Community Comment

7:35 - 7:45     Break

7:45 - 8:30     Choosing Our Research Directions
                     and Obtaining Funding for Them
                     Peter Bond, Deputy Director for Science & Technology (Interim)

8:30 - 9:15     Briefing on Integrated Safety Management (ISM)
                     Michael Bebon, Deputy Director for Operations

9:15 - 9:20     Agenda Setting

Click here for the June 14 Minutes.

July 12, 2007

The July meeting has been canceled. 

The next regular meeting of the CAC will be on September 13, 2007.

August 9, 2007

Brookhaven Center, South Room

This meeting will not have a full agenda and CAC member attendance is optional.

The next regular meeting of the CAC will be on September 13, 2007.

September 13, 2007

Berkner Hall, Room B

6:30 - 6:50     Administrative

6:50 - 7:35     Energy Efficiency and Renewable Biofuels in Heating
                     Systems, Tom Butcher, Division Head, Energy Resources Division

7:35 - 7:40     Community Comment

7:40 - 7:50     Break

7:50 - 9:00     CAC Membership and Agenda Discussion

Click here for the September 13 Minutes.

October 11, 2007

Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Building 735

5:30 - 6:00     Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Past
                    Present, and Future
                    Emilio Mendez, Director, CFN

6:00 - 7:00     9th Anniversary Dinner Celebration

7:00 - 7:15     Administrative

7:15 - 8:00     CFN Tour
                    Michael Schaeffer

8:00 - 8:05     Community Comment

8:05 - 8:15     Agenda Setting

8:15 - 8:25     Break

8:25 - 9:10     Regulations/Standards Development for
                    Steve Hoey, ESH Coordinator for CFN

Click here for the October 11 minutes.

November 8, 2007

Medical, Building 490, Large Conference Room

6:30 - 7:00     Administrative
                                 Update - Peconic River

7:00 - 7:45     Annual site Environmental Report
                     Robert Lee, EWMSD

7:45 - 7:55     Agenda Setting

7:55 - 8:00     Community Comment

8:00 - 8:10     Break

8:10 - 9:00     CAC Discussion to Determine Community Conduit
                     Plan and Action Steps

Click here for the November 8 minutes.

December 13, 2007

Meeting Canceled Due to Weather






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Last Modified: June 25, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sherry Johnson November 14, 2007