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5th International Conference
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sponsored by
Specialist Group on Diffuse Pollution of

Milwaukee, June 10-15, 2001

Organized by
Institute for Urban Environmental Risk Management
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Co-sponsored by
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Working Group on Water Quality, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Additional sponsorship by
Gold and Silver Sponsors

Thank you for your interest and a special thanks to all those who participated in the successful 2001 5th International Diffuse/Nonpoint Pollution and Watershed Management Conference in Milwaukee.

Copies of the Proceedings of the Conference are still available.  Please contact  CD version is $25.  Hard-copy version is $125.

Please note that the 6th International Diffuse/Nonpoint Pollution and Watershed Managemenet Conference will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in September, 2002.

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< Institute for Urban Environmental Risk Managment
©2001 Marquette University -- Last Update: July 6th, 2001